What Does religious marriage Mean
The marriage is the union of a man and woman through certain rites or legal proceedings. This concept has expanded in recent years, as many States began to accept same-sex marriage.
The religious, on the other hand, is linked to religion (the set of dogmas and beliefs about divinity) with its moral normals and implicit ritual practices.
The religious marriage , therefore, is the ritual that legitimizes the union of the couple in the eyes of God . Both members of the couple agree to respect the dogmas and obligations of the religion in question.
In the Western world, the most common religious marriage is the Catholic marriage . This sacrament of the Catholic Church constitutes a community of life between the spouses and is ordered to the conception and education of their children.
For Catholics, marriage is an institution that is part of human nature and that implies unity and indissolubility. This union requires a lifetime commitment that cannot be dissolved except with the death of one of the spouses. Since its ultimate goal is procreation, the Catholic Church opposes homosexual marriage .
Despite being of a religious nature, it is important to underline the fact that for it to be fully recognized as such it is important that its registration be carried out in the relevant Civil Registry.
Unity, indissolubility and fertility are three of the principles on which religious marriage is based, which is a sacrament that obliges the contracting parties to not only receive a series of courses beforehand, in which they will be told about how the relationship and life as a couple should be but they should also confess before the priest. In this last way, it is how they will manage to go to their wedding perfectly in a state of grace.
It is important to know that taking the step of this type of link is something that must be considered very seriously since to declare it null you must go to the highest levels of the Catholic institution. These will grant nullity as long as they consider that the following circumstances exist: the contracting parties did not marry freely and voluntarily, when the marriage has not been consummated or when it has occurred between two unbaptized persons or between one who did. is there and another that is not.
Religious marriage involves a series of rules and customs. This union takes place in the house of God (the church ) and is administered by a priest . It is customary for the bride to wear white (a symbol of purity) and for the groom to wear a suit. To symbolize the union, both spouses exchange rings (the alliances ).
However, other equally important rites in this case should not be overlooked, such as the consent of the two contracting parties or that of the earnest money. The latter is carried out by the groom who gives them to his future wife as a sign of the goods they are going to share.