What is ragged?

What Does ragged Mean

The adjective ragged is used to describe someone who dresses in rags . A rag , meanwhile, is clothing that is in poor condition, is dirty or is very old .

For example: "You shouldn't come to the office that raggedy, they can penalize you" , "I think I'm a little ragged to go to dinner, I'd better change and then we go out" , "Who is that ragged man who is talking so cheerfully with Maria? " .
He who is ragged is usually disheveled . This means that you do not take care of your appearance or pay attention to your appearance . That is why the ragged man usually wears stained or torn clothes, does not comb his hair, etc.

The usual thing is that the raggedy is frowned upon by society . Each individual is expected to take care of his grooming and the cleaning of the clothes he wears. In formal settings, such as in the workplace, being tattered is particularly serious and can even lead to punishment .
It is important to mention that the concept can also be applied to garments and worn or dirty objects : “Are you wearing those ragged pants again? I don't understand you, you have several more to choose from… ” , “ My baby doesn't want to leave her ragged doll ” , “ The ragged hotel sheets made me very sick ” .
Raggedy can also be used symbolically with reference to something deteriorated or spoiled : "This ragged democracy does not guarantee the rights of citizens" , "Upon entering the city, I was surprised by its ragged streets" , "The actor lived for several months in a tattered apartment until he got his first job . "

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