What Does public road Mean
A road is a space that is used for circulation or movement . The notion of public , on the other hand, has several uses: in this case we are interested in its meaning as that which belongs to the entire population (and which, therefore, is not private).
The idea of a public road , in this way, is used to name the places where people circulate , either on foot or in some type of vehicle. The roads , streets , trails , avenues and highways ( routes ) that are open to the community are part of the public highway.
The State is in charge of regulating the operation of the public highway. Through various laws and regulations, it seeks to organize the use of these spaces and minimize the risk of accident. The authorities, in this sense, determine which vehicles can circulate on the road, under what conditions, etc.
Private roads , on the other hand, depend exclusively on their owners. Suppose that, in a field, a man builds a road that leads from his house to a barn. This person will be responsible for ensuring correct use of the road.
It is important to bear in mind that public roads can be concessioned to the private sector. This is what happens when the State grants the concession of a highway to a company that charges a toll to circulate. Although the highway is part of the public highway, its use is not free, but is subject to the payment of the toll in question.
In Spain, as a result of the implementation of what has been popularly called the Gag Law, numerous actions have been established that are prohibited from being carried out on public roads. Specifically, among the most significant are the following:
-Project lights on drivers who circulate in their vehicles on the aforementioned road, since this can distract them or prevent a correct vision, which can lead to an accident.
-Cause disorders of different kinds.
-Disobeying the existing authority or refusing to show you the documentation you request.
-Asking for or enjoying what are sexual activities in areas that are part of the public highway and, in a special way, those that take place in areas close to where minors transit are absolutely prohibited. With the latter they refer to both parks and schools, for example.
-The consumption of drugs on public roads.
-Celebrate assemblies, meetings or demonstrations without having previously requested what is the pertinent authorization to the existing organizations.
In recent months there has also been a notable rejection by certain sectors that women can breastfeed their babies on public roads. Thus, there have been numerous cases of insults to these women for considering that what they do is obscene and should not be shown, as it is part of the strictest privacy. However, against that, a part of society has risen up claiming that it is something totally natural.