What Does pride Mean
From the Latin superbĭa , pride is defined by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) as the disorderly appetite to be preferred to others . The concept can be associated with haughtiness , conceit , presumption and petulance . For example: "The actor again showed his pride by refusing to greet the fans who were waiting for him at the exit of the channel" , "He does not have a hint of pride, despite the fact that he is one of the most acclaimed artists in the world" , "If he didn't get the job, it was because of his arrogance . "
Pride implies excessive satisfaction in self-contemplation, belittling others . The proud feel better and more important than the neighbor, whom he constantly minimizes. That is why he behaves in an arrogant way and usually generates rejection among other people.
Specifically, it is established that there are several items or characteristics that make it clear that a person is arrogant:
• Most of the time he spends talking, he does so referring to the successes he has achieved and the achievements he has obtained throughout his life , specifically within his professional career.
• Enjoy when other people, especially your "adversaries", experience failure.
• He never acknowledges his mistakes and does not accept criticism at all. When someone criticizes his performance, the way he defends himself is by attacking.
• Has great difficulty asking for forgiveness. Specifically, only on very rare occasions, and because he has no other choice, he apologizes for acts he has done or words he has said.
• Has a compelling and sometimes already unhealthy need for praise. For this reason, he needs those around him to be continually praising him and highlighting all the good he does, the qualities he has, the success he is achieving ...
• He is a person who at all times needs to be in control of any situation in which he finds himself stuck.
• You get upset and may even suffer because of the success of other people.
The humility , the simplicity and modesty are contrary to notions of pride. If a soccer player is cataloged as the best in the world, he can behave in a humble way (and publicly declare that these appreciations are the responsibility of the public or the press and that he only works to improve every day) or with pride (saying that, indeed, he is the best and that his achievements and titles endorse it).
A clear example of this difference is the one that currently exists between two of the best soccer players in the world. Thus, many are the people, who quickly identify with the first profile the Argentine Lionel Messi, an emblematic figure of FC Barcelona, while the second type of personality associate it with the Portuguese Cristiano Ronaldo, who plays for Real Madrid.
It is possible to associate pride with pride, although it has a positive value and is considered a virtue. The person can feel pride in himself when recognizing his successes or improvements, without this making him feel superior to the rest of the human beings. Instead, when that self-recognition is transformed into pride, his goal becomes to feed his ego and his own vanity.