What is Praise?

Meaning of Praise

The term praise refers to the action of expressing positive words about an idea, object or person. So praise is basically celebrating the good in something or someone, to distinguish the value and significance of something, this can be said privately or publicly. This manifestation can be used by different religions to boast of the supreme being and his divine performance. Likewise, the dialectic considers praise as a discursive genre aimed at praising the virtues or qualities of individuals or objects.

Within the context of religion, praise symbolizes the act of boasting God and his works. Within the Christian religion, praise is focused on giving thanks to God the Father and Jesus Christ , hence it is an essential part of Christian ceremonies. On the other hand, Judaism praises God and his works throughout history. In the bible, specifically in the book of psalms, that both religious doctrines ( Christianity and Judaism ) share; they include a series of poems and songs in honor of Yahweh. People can praise God internally, when they pray silently, and externally through songs and prayers.

Psychology sustains that for some individuals praise can affect their personality, especially in people with conditions such as schizophrenia or autism . Many of the hypotheses developed in the area of psychology affirm that giving and receiving praise can bring innumerable benefits to the psychological and physical health of individuals. The positive manifestations for those people who have low self-esteem can increase the exercise of their work skills and the activities that they carry out in their personal life, their character, their way of being and other aspects in their life, they can be influenced often because of the amount of praise it receives. According to the psychologists who support this theory, for individuals, one of the main motivations they have in life is to be able to earn as much praise as possible, both in their professional life and in their personal life.

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