What Does portal Mean
Portal is a term that comes from door . In the Internet and the field of construction, the portal is the hallway or the first room of the house , which presents the main door and allows access to the rest of the rooms.
In multi-family houses, on the other hand, the portal is the immediate piece to the entrance door that provides access to the different houses. A portal is also the portico of a sumptuous building or temple, or the door that marks the entrance to a city.
Portal is also used as a synonym for nativity scene, birth or manger , which is the representation with figures of the birth of Christ.
On the Internet , a portal is a website that offers, in an integrated way, a wide variety of services and resources to the user. In general, the portals offer instantly updated news, search engines, forums to share opinions, chat, online games, virtual stores to make electronic purchases and email service.
The basic intention of a portal is that the user can satisfy all their needs in one place. That is why they try to offer a wide range of options, in such a way that they become the “gateway” of the Internet user to the Web. One of its objectives is for the user to use the portal as their home page (where the browser goes as soon as it is launched) and take advantage of all its services before starting to navigate to other more specific sites.
Yahoo! , Terra and MSN are some examples of Internet portals. Google , on the other hand, specializes in search .
In recent years, more and more sites have expanded their functions, including all kinds of services, thanks in part to the accessibility of widgets (small applications that can be added to a page very easily, simply by inserting their code where you want visualize it). This growth has an apparently positive immediate effect, since it gives more possibilities to users, but also contributes to the loss of identity of the sites .
As portals become more common, sites that serve specific purposes disappear, as the public seeks the greatest convenience, it avoids the need to navigate through many pages. As is often the case in the market, a product always emerges that, just as a bird of prey would do, takes advantage of those resources that others waste; In this case, blogs have seen a remarkable increase in popularity in the face of the fall of personal sites, since they offer better positioning and require very little work from their clients to find an impressive and functional design.
Portal is the name of an innovative video game series that has two main titles, in addition to an exclusive one for the Xbox Live platform and downloadable content. It is an interesting proposal that, using the configuration of controls and camera generally present in first-person shooter games (known as FPS, from First Person Shooters ), requires its users to overcome constant dangers of death through the careful study of the environment and using as the only weapon a gun capable of creating portals that connect two points in space.
Its great success is due to the brilliant design of its levels, which at the time of its launch was a respite in the middle of much content oriented to violence and lacking in depth or innovation. On the other hand, the archnemesis of the main character (both roles, female) is a robot with a very particular charisma, which enlivens the difficult adventure with its ironic and memorable lines.