What Does phycology Mean
The phycology is the scientific discipline dedicated to studying the algae . Also known as algology , it is a specialization that is part of the field of botany .
Algae are talophytic plants (they have a thallus) that usually live in the aquatic environment . It can be multicellular or unicellular species that generally have chlorophyll accompanied by pigments of different colors.
Although phycology focuses on the analysis of these living beings , considered the most important photosynthesizers in a large part of aquatic ecosystems, it can also investigate cyanobacteria , which were previously called blue-green algae .
The knowledge generated by phycology is significant since, in one way or another, algae are linked to the rest of the organisms that live in water . Phycology experts provide information about the characteristics of these beings and help protect them.
It should be noted that products derived from algae are used in multiple areas: as fertilizers in agriculture , as a colorant in the food industry, etc. For this reason, phycology, beyond its contributions to botany, also has economic relevance.
Phycology even contributes to the care of human health. When certain microalgae proliferate in a body of water, the phenomenon called red tide occurs . Because these organisms generate toxins that can lead to shellfish and fish poisoning, the red tide causes harm to people who consume these animals. The contributions of phycology to understanding and minimizing the red tide are therefore valuable.