What is payroll?

What Does payroll Mean

A payroll is a list or a catalog of names of people or things . In ancient times, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) , a list was a relic where names of saints were written. Today there are certain superstitious amulets that also receive this name.

On the other hand, this word that has its origin in the Latin term nomĭna also makes it possible to refer to the nominal relationship of individuals who, in an office, receive assets and must justify with their signature that they have received them.
It is, therefore, a manual accounting system that includes the preparation of payroll checks , a function that is generally separate from the maintenance of records showing salary, position, work time, deductions and income. rest of the data related to the personnel. The payroll presents the list of people who work in an office with their respective salaries.

The payroll procedure, in short, consists of determining the gross value accrued by each worker, making the corresponding deductions, calculating the net value to be paid, preparing the pay checks and carrying out the individual record of the accrued by each employee.
Specifically, we can determine that there are various types of payroll. More exactly, three are the most common. Among them are the commissions that are those salaries that are only charged for making a series of sales. Thus, depending on them, they receive some commissions or others.
In second place are the salaries that are the most common types of payroll and in third place are the fees. The latter are the ones that are frequently used to pay for work done by freelancers or self-employed workers.
We also have to emphasize that there is software that has been specially designed for the administration areas of companies that are responsible for preparing and preparing payroll. We are referring to Nominaplus. This program has become one of the most useful and effective tools for preparing and preparing payroll in a very comfortable and simple way.
The agreements, the categories, the Social Security, the company data, the worker's category or the contribution bulletins are some of the essential elements that are used as parameters in this mentioned software to get the aforementioned payrolls done.
The companies require a summary of payroll for each period. They also usually require a distribution of payroll costs by department, by product or by classification, depending on the different production processes.
Although the mechanism for recording the payroll may vary in each company, there are certain steps common to all of them, such as preparing the payroll with the names and salaries of the workers.
In addition to all the above, we cannot ignore the fact that the payroll is also known in ancient times as the relic where the names of all the saints were written. And that without forgetting that in addition payroll is also a series of amulets.

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