What is Opinion article?

Meaning of Opinion article

An opinion is a text in which an expert or someone whose authority is recognized, expresses a particular point of view in relation to a fact today or a story . It is considered as a literary genre . The highlight of this type of writing is not the news that is offered or discussed, but what the author thinks of it.

It is a journalistic text that expresses the feelings of a particular person or media , about a subject that arouses the interest of public opinion . Opinion articles can cover different topics: political, social, economic, entertainment, among others.

Opinion articles are distinguished from editorials, in that the former are usually signed by the person who writes them , while in editorials the name of the person who wrote them never appears .

In these articles, the person is free to express everything they want regarding the subject under analysis, of course, always respecting the limitations that the medium imposes in terms of space.

The opinion article usually follows a previously designed structure, which although it may have variants, is quite evident. First, it begins with the first paragraph that serves as an introduction , here the writer must capture the reader's attention, describing the problem or situation on which he or she is opining. Then follows the thesis, which represents the idea in which the author believes and which is quickly defended with a series of arguments.

Once the thesis is done, the arguments for and against it follow . The points for and against must be written in different paragraphs. These should be presented headed by any of these phrases: "you have to defend that", followed by a "but, however" that previously dismantles the value of those arguments. This is what is known as counterargument .

Finally, the conclusion is drawn up, which can be a summary of the above or the author's opinion. It is very important to clarify that the language used in the writing of the article must be clear, precise, simple and natural .

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