What is notary?

What Does notary Mean

A notary is an official who is in charge of giving public faith . It is an authority that has the power to confirm the authenticity or validity of a document .

Certification of legitimacy
Notaries are often notaries or notaries : people authorized to attest to certain acts. As for the concept of attesting, it consists of the power that the State confers on certain individuals to certify the legitimacy of something .

The federation certifies the validity of the documents

Notaries, therefore, perform the service of public faith. Its task is to compare a document displayed as an original and a copy, thus being able to authenticate the fidelity of its content. Once the notary public attests, the copy can be used in various procedures and procedures with the same function as the original document.

The notary, in short, is dedicated to notarize documents . People bring him documents and he has to attest to the authenticity by signing and stamping. The certification of signatures and the stamping of authenticated copies are also functions of the notary.
Original and derived public faith
This concept admits a classification that divides it into two types. On the one hand, we have the original public faith , which does not have many theoretical sources despite being a very important legal institution . It is the one that takes place when the fedetario perceives through the senses the characteristics of what is presented to him to certify, such as a public deed or a will.
The original public faith can also be granted by a consular official , among others. On the other hand, there is the derived public faith , which occurs when the certified object is not perceived by the federate through his senses, such as occurs when he sends a certified copy of a document or a reproduction legalization, which are not part of the notarial protocol.
Membership records, minute books and share registrations are some of the documents that can be sent by certified copy in this case. Some public officials may also provide this type of public faith.
Notary limits
The scope of the work of a notary, in any case, depends on the legislation of each country. It is important to avoid conflicts of interest , as a notary may take advantage of your rank for personal gain.

If a notary is also a lawyer who has his own study, to cite one possibility, he would be in a position to generate evidence as a notary public that could later be used in a trial. That is why the law seeks to overcome these problems through different regulations and requirements.
Unlike other positions, the division of notary classes is remarkably complex. We are not facing two or four, but many more, which in turn are grouped into classifications. More precisely, in at least fifteen classifications , within which there is a subdivision.

There are district, provincial, regional and international states, among others

Let's start with the first classification: in this group we can find the federal, district, provincial, departmental, regional, national and international class . In order not to extend ourselves too much, we will take a look at the sixth one: it contains the federation that are governed by private activity, those of public activity and others.
In the eleventh classification, on the other hand, there are the federates who have their own premises to carry out their professional tasks, but also those who do not. In the following are those who have staff under their care and those who do not. And, continuing with this binary grouping, the fourteenth opposes those who enjoy a notarial protocol with those who do not.

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