What is narrative sequence?

What Does narrative sequence Mean

In order to adequately define this term, we would have to place ourselves in the meaning that each word that makes it up has. In this way we can point out, on the one hand, that the succession of events or elements that are related to each other is called a sequence . While the narrative refers to the act of telling a story and the prose literary genre that is characterized by presenting a series of events that occurred in a specific time frame. Among the most important subgenres of this genre are the short story and the novel .

The idea of narrative sequence is therefore linked to the chain of events that takes place in a narrative. At a general level, a narrative sequence has three main stages or moments: the introduction, the middle and the end , and allows the structuring of the actions carried out by the different characters in the story . These actions have different degrees of importance and are generally linked through a cause / effect relationship: that is, an action is the consequence of another previous action.

A narrative sequence is made up of a succession of events that make up a narrative.
The different stages of the narrative
Introduction : The introduction is the first step of the narrative sequence and allows to introduce the characters and begin the development of the story. Depending on the type of story (long or short) this stage will be more or less extensive; however, it generally stands out considerably from the knot (next stage) because it establishes the universe of fiction, with its times, its characters and its possibilities . It is very important that writers pay close attention to this point in the process to provide a strong start that encourages readers to continue reading.
Knot : The knot, also known as a plot, includes the main events , those that transform and drive the narrative. Generally, the conflict that arises in a narrative arises by chance or by some curious coincidence that jeopardizes the emotional, mental or material stability of the protagonist and that results in a series of circumstances that are not very pleasant for him. At this time the author must try to capture the reader's attention through suspense and what is not said in words, and slowly lead him to the climax that is the culminating moment of the knot and leads to the denouement.
The introduction, the middle and the end are the main moments of a narrative sequence.
Outcome : Finally, in the outcome of the narrative sequence, conflicts are resolved and the tension of the narrativedisarticulates. The climax, that moment of absolute tension that takes place at the end of the knot prepares the reader for that end. However, the great cunning of the writer is to offer an ending that does not match the preset, that cannot be easily predicted and that offers a twist to the story that satisfies the reader.

Narrative sequence example
“As the dog struggled to get out of the water, Tito watched him with attention and nervousness. The boy, barely 8 years old, was aware of the danger that the situation entailed: the animal could die by drowning, just like him if he threw himself to save it. However, he took courage and jumped into the water. Inside, he felt like he couldn't stand still in the face of a dog in trouble. Tito reached the animal, hugged it and together they began to fight against the current. After a few minutes, the two of them were resting on the shore, exhausted and safe ”.
In any case, it is important to bear in mind that the narrative sequence is not always easy to determine. Many stories have a complex plot that allows the development of several simultaneous subplots. In fact, to this day, narrative texts that are constructed with fragmentary events following a pattern established by the author but that do not respond to that specific structure are extremely normal . Be that as it may, through an intense reading it is possible to establish the key points of a narrative and briefly define the narrative sequence that makes it up.

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