What Does myalgia Mean
In order to discover the meaning of the term myalgia, it is necessary, first of all, to know its etymological origin. In this case, we have to state that it is a neologism that was shaped by adding two lexical components from Greek:
-The word "mys", which can be translated as "muscle" and as "mouse" as well.
-The element "algia", which is synonymous with "pain".
Likewise, it must be added that the creator of this neologism was none other than the English physician Thomas Inman (1820 - 1876). He worked specifically as a surgeon for the Royal Infirmary of Liverpool.
The myalgia , also called miodinia , is muscle pain . It is, therefore, a disease that is registered in a muscle : an organ that is composed mainly of contractile fibers.
These discomforts can be registered in one or more muscles, although they can also be linked to the tendons and ligaments . Various disorders and inconveniences are the cause of myalgias.
It is important to know that, in addition to muscle pain, other symptoms that may indicate myalgia are shortness of breath, headaches that occur intermittently, fatigue, irritability, vision or hearing impairment ...
In general, myalgia is caused by overexertion . If a person contracts a muscle repetitively or too quickly and without first doing warm-up actions, they may suffer from myalgia.
The trauma can also cause myalgia. Sometimes it is necessary to go to a doctor to determine the origin of the myalgia and indicate what measures should be taken to eliminate the ailment.
There are cases where myalgia is a symptom of a disease . The flu , the malaria and celiac disease , among others, cause myalgia. Pain can even appear due to drug and medication use .
When an individual engages in physical activity of a certain intensity, they are likely to suffer from myalgia either during training or in the hours afterward. This situation does not usually require any treatment: it is enough to rest and rest the affected area. If the pain is severe or persists, you can use an over -the-counter pain reliever or ice .
To prevent myalgia from physical activity, experts suggest warming up your muscles before exertion, exercising regularly, minimizing stress, and getting adequate rest.
In the same way, other recommendations in favor of preventing myalgia are the following: -
Carry out a healthy, complete and balanced diet where fruits and vegetables are very present, for example.
-Try to take care of your posture at all times, both when you are walking and when you are sitting.
-Drink a sufficient amount of water a day. And is that a dehydration problem can lead to what are muscle aches.
-Resource the development of activities that help to relax and take care of the tone of the muscles. We are referring to some such as Pilates or yoga, for example.
-Avoid being overweight at all times.