What is multi-voiced?

What Does multi-voiced Mean

The etymology of multivoco refers us to the compositional element multi- (which refers to “many” ) and to the Latin suffix –vŏcus (referring to what it names ). The multivocal has many meanings .

It is easy to understand what this adjective means if we analyze the univocal term , linked to what always has a single meaning. A univocal message, in this framework, presents a single possible meaning, while a multi-voiced message lends itself to different interpretations.
It is often said that poems are multi-voiced. Due to their abstraction, their allegories and their symbolisms, these literary compositions can be understood in various ways: it all depends on the reader.

Take the case of Peronism , a political movement inspired by the thought of Juan Domingo Perón , who was Argentine president in three periods (1946-1952, 1952-1955 and 1973-1974). Throughout history, they have defined themselves as Peronists from revolutionary left factions to right-wing conservative groups, through promoters of neoliberalism and statist leaders, for example. That is why it can be said that the idea of ​​Peronism is multifaceted: it contains numerous aspects and branches, even opposed or contradictory to each other.
The concept of Celtic , on the other hand, is also multi-voiced. It can be defined based on linguistic, ethnic or historical criteria, to name a few possibilities.
The yoga is a discipline that is often described as multivocal. Some people take yoga as a physical exercise, while others focus on its spiritual component. There are also those who do not conceive of a dissociation between the physical and the spiritual. In this way, what is understood by yoga varies according to each individual.

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