What Does mountebank Mean
A mountebank is an artist who specializes in performing stunts and jumps . The term comes from the Italian word saltimbanchi .
In general, the notion is used to refer to someone who performs an acrobatic show in a park or other outdoor space. The acrobats were popular in the Middle Ages , sharing characteristics with the volatineros , the tightrope walkers and the minstrels .
It was common for medieval acrobats to jump between trapeze or swings . They could also balance on stilts and walk on a wheel .
Today the acrobats continue to resort to acrobatics and pirouettes to entertain the public . They usually wear colorful costumes and work in circuses , although they can also perform as street performers .
"Saltimbanquis" , on the other hand, is the title of a play produced in Argentina . It is a children's musical inspired by "The Musicians of Bremen" , a story by the Brothers Grimm .
In "Saltimbanquis" , four animals get tired of being exploited by human beings, flee from their masters and form a musical group. The work , which features music by Luis Bacalov and a book by Sergio Bardotti , was distinguished with two Hugo Awards and an ACE Award , among other recognitions.
Saltimbanqui , on the other hand, is the name of a Salesian social circus born in the province of Córdoba ( Argentina ). Its objective is to promote social transformation with young people as agents of change.
Finally, Saltimbanqui is an entity based in Cartagena ( Spain ) that develops actions in the field of children's entertainment and non-formal education . It was founded in 2014 .