What is Minutes?

Meaning of Minutes

According to its etymology, this term comes from the plural participle of the Latin verb “Agere” (to do) and refers to “Acts” . It is called Acta anyone document that has been made during a meeting or assembly, and which is written by someone who was present at that meeting, and where all the conventions and treaties during the same conclusions are reflected.

The preparation of minutes allows the meeting held to be valid, and if the case arises, it can serve as evidence if there is any problem.

In a minute, everything said in a meeting , the results of competitions, elections , etc., also the student grades , the results of the lottery, the celebration of a wedding, among others, can be described. A record should usually always bear the date, place and time it was made, in addition to a short introduction of the reason for the completion. Generally these are kept or registered in a minute book , in which are all the minutes made during a certain period, and chronologically, taking into account that all its pages must be numbered to keep an order.

Once the meeting is over and the minutes are finished, all the participants give the go-ahead of everything contained in the minutes and proceed to sign it, each of the participants must sign, thus leaving a certification of their intervention and acceptance. of everything written on it.

Constitutive Act
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