What is metal disorder?

What Does metal disorder Mean

It is known as mental disorder to the syndrome or a pattern of psychological clinic subject to interpretation that usually is associated with discomfort or a disability . In this framework, it is interesting to note that a mental illness is one that occurs as a result of an alteration that affects the affective and cognitive procedures of development, which translates into difficulties in reasoning, behavioral alterations, impediments to understand reality and to adapt to various situations.

It is important to mention that mental disorders can be the consequence of biological factors (be they genetic, neurological or other), environmental or psychological . That is why they require a multidisciplinary approach focused on improving the quality of life of the subject .

There are many signs or symptoms that show that someone is suffering from a mental disorder. Thus, for example, among them are sleep disorders, sadness, anxiety, alterations in what is memory, palpable difficulty to think with absolute clarity, aggressive behavior or even changes and problems in what is both perception visual as well as auditory.
Although there are several categories of mental disorders, the main ones are based on neurotic disorders and psychotic disorders .
Those mentioned in the first place alter the perception that the individual has about himself and the degree of approval of the I. Beyond this, they do not represent a distortion of the real plane or cause significant isolation from social life.
Psychotic disorders, on the other hand, can include delusions, strong emotional and relational difficulties or hallucinations. These are generally determined by relevant organic reasons.
It is important to note that the definition of mental disorder has changed over time. Until 1990 , the World Health Organization (WHO) included homosexuality and transsexuality in its list of mental disorders.
Entity that classifies the aforementioned mental disorders in nine categories. Let's see what they are:
Symptomatic and organic, such as delirium.
Schizotypal. Among them are psychosis or schizophrenia.
Neurotics Within this category are a multitude of disorders such as amnesia, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, neurasthenia or agarphobia.
Of behavior and personality. In this case, it refers to emotional instability, paranoid or schizoid disorder, anxious personality disorder ...
Of behavior in childhood and adolescence. This would be the case of conduct disorders, tics, stuttering, enumerisis or selective mutism.
Psychotropic use disorders: withdrawal syndrome, water intoxication, dependency syndrome ...

Of humor or affective. Among them we can talk about dysthymia, bipolar disorder or depressive episode, among many others.
Mental disorders produced by physiological dysfunctions. In this case, reference is made to those of a food type such as anorexia or bulimia, those of biological origin such as premature ejaculation or those motivated by sleep such as night terror, insomnia or sleepwalking.
Mental retardation: aphasia, autism, dysphasia ...
On the other hand, mental health is defined as absolute well-being at a psychological and social level, while a mental disorder implies the loss of said well-being for different reasons.

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