What is lobby?

What Does lobby Mean

Vestibule is the atrium or portal that is at the entrance of a building . The term has its origin in the Latin vestibulum . For example: "Last night there was a strange man in the lobby who scared me" , "Some neighbors litter in the lobby and litter the common spaces of the building" , "I'm going to tell the manager that he has to change the light in the lobby" .

In hotels , the lobby is a large room that is located near the entrance and that communicates with the reception, the cafeteria and other rooms of shared use: “If you wish, you can leave your luggage in the lobby and go up to Get to know the room ” , “ When you finish showering, go down to the hall and we will meet there ” , “ It is colder in the room than in the hall; I am going to file a complaint ” .

In houses and private residences, the lobby is a small covered space that connects the entrance with the rooms or with a patio : “Please tell Sergio to wait for me in the lobby” , “Stay in the lobby : in five minutes I finish changing and I'm ready to go ” .
The theaters , cinemas, concert halls and similar venues also have lobby. These are rooms adjacent to the auditorium created as a rest or waiting area. Spectators are located in the lobby before the performance and during breaks: "I go to the lobby to smoke a cigarette and return to the room" , "The theater was full: there were even people in the lobby unable to enter the room" .
Vestibular apparatus
The vestibular apparatus is closely related to the inner ear and the brain, and is in charge of very important functions for our development, such as balance, posture, and eye movement coordination. It is worth mentioning that we speak of vestibular disorders when the ear or brain are affected by a disorder or by an accident; Among the most common cases are Meniere's disease (characterized by tinnitus, nausea, and loss of balance ), positional vertigo, conditions caused by blows to the skull, and internal ear infections.
The inner ear, within which the vestibular organ is located, is located in the peñasco, in the inner posterior part of the eardrum; Among its components, the following can be distinguished:
Bony vestibule : it is a bony chamber that is located inside the oval window, within which are the utricle and the saccule (defined later). At first glance, six walls can be seen , which are the floor, the upper, the posterior, the anterior, the external and the internal (which contains the aqueduct of the vestibule);

Bony semicircular canals : found in the upper and posterior external part of the vestibule. They have a similar appearance to tubes that curve, forming arches, and flatten out to the sides. At each end, you can see a hole, and one of them is wider than the other. Its trajectory begins and ends in the lobby;
Membranous vestibule : it is made up of the utricle (a vesicle of moderate dimensions, inside which an acoustic stain can be seen , where the utricular nerve divides) and the saccule (a small and rounded vesicle, which is located below the previous one, with which it communicates through the utriculosacular duct ; in it another acoustic stain is seen);
Membranous semicircular canals : they are located inside the bony semicircular canals and present three divisions (superior, posterior and external), which open above the utricle in five holes, three of them wider than the remaining two.

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