What is joint?

What Does joint Mean

The idea of conjuncture refers to the sum of circumstances and factors that affect something at a certain moment . The concept can be associated with the notion of context in its broadest sense.

For example: “Due to the economic situation, companies are not making investments in the country” , “Local football cannot escape the national situation” , “Analysts agree that the political situation in Spain is complex” .
In the field of history , the incidence of historical time in the development of events is known as conjuncture . This means that events should be studied within the framework of their time, since if they are analyzed according to current criteria, their causes or motivations or their consequences will not be understood.

To understand the process of the Russian Revolution that took place in 1917 , to cite one case, it is necessary to refer to the situation: the country was governed by a tsarist regime that denied rights to the majority of the population. At that time, in addition, the First World War was developing , because of which the Russian army suffered important defeats. This conjuncture made possible the emergence and growth of a revolutionary movement that finally managed to seize power and modify the social organization of the nation.
The idea of ​​conjuncture allows us to study events beyond the passage of time , since it gives us the tools to place ourselves in another moment in history, where the situation was different and the actions of the human being could also cause different effects. One way of defining this concept is as "the present embedded in a certain structure", a slice of social reality located at a specific point, the only one where it makes sense and gives it to the events that follow.
Precisely, although a juncture is a point in time, it gives rise to the beginning of a process that is characterized by the emergence of a structure , so that it remains open and becomes accessible from the future. We speak of structural development precisely when the economic or political situation is analyzed, to refer to the present as one of its stages.
The conjuncture, in short, is the description of a moment in history in which social actors have an active performance. When preparing a thesis , for example, they should be based on a series of deductions about the past approached and presented with a look that points to the future; It may be a research work on the Holocaust analyzing its potential consequences for the victims, their families and for the rest of society, both at the time and in the future.

It is important to note that if a portion of the story is analyzed leaving aside the conjunctural aspects, it usually happens that the sense of the facts is lost , as if they were unconnected or arbitrary events. The situation can make the difference between a brutal act and a simple procedure: over the decades and centuries, the human being progressively modifies his views about good and evil, the distribution of power, the organization of the family, and therefore historical events must always be placed in context in order to be properly understood.
In colloquial language, the situation is linked to those extrinsic elements that affect the reality of something or someone. A millionaire, due to the situation in his country in terms of security, is forced to mobilize with bodyguards and build large walls with electrified bars around his home to protect his family. The man is not comfortable with these decisions, but the context forces him to act that way.

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