What Does intolerance Mean
The first thing we are going to do is introduce you to the etymological origin of the term intolerance. In this case, it must be stated that it derives from Latin, exactly from the word "intolerantia", which is defined as the "quality of one who cannot bear other opinions". This word was formed from the union of these lexical components:
-The prefix “in-”, which can be translated as “no” or “without”.
-The verb "tolerare", which is equivalent to "endure" and "endure".
-The suffix “-ia”, which is used to indicate “quality”.
The absence of tolerance is called intolerance . The notion of tolerating, in turn, refers to allowing, respecting or enduring .
For example: "I am concerned about the intolerance that many people show to those who think differently" , "Religious intolerance caused thousands of deaths in this country" , "I should have modified my son's diet as he has lactose intolerance" .
Among the words that can function as synonyms for intolerance are fanaticism, intransigence, stubbornness, obstinacy, stubbornness and stubbornness. On the contrary, among its antonyms we come across terms such as tolerance and compromise.
At the social level, intolerance is the lack of capacity and / or courage to endure or admit something . The intolerant, therefore, does not accept that another person may have traditions, values, ideas or customs different from his own, for which he adopts a violent and contemptuous attitude.
Due to intolerance, one subject does not recognize the other's thought as valid and stands firm in his position , without listening to opposing reasons. The position of the intolerant, therefore, is unalterable.
Take the case of a nation that has Islam as its official religion and as the basis of its social and political organization: the authorities do not allow any manifestation that contradicts their own interpretation of the Qur'an . For this reason, if someone violates these precepts, the intolerance of the regime is soon exposed through sanctions and punishments of all kinds.
Beyond religious intolerance , there is also political intolerance , the intolerance , ethnic , etc. The homophobia , the sexism and racism are some forms of discrimination motivated by intolerance.
A good example to understand the term intolerance is the Ku Kux Klan (KKK), which is a far-right organization created in the United States in the 19th century. This is characterized by its racist, anti-Semitic and even homophobic character. And it is that, among other things, it is committed to the supremacy of the white race.
In the field of cinema, we have to highlight the existence of a film entitled "Intolerance." It was released in 1916, is part of the epic genre and is directed by the American DW Griffith (1875 - 1948). It comes to expose four historical episodes where the aforementioned intolerance was the protagonist and among these is, for example, the massacre of the Huguenots in France that took place in the 16th century.
Finally, in terms of health , food intolerance is recognized : those who suffer from this problem experience adverse reactions when consuming certain foods due to their components. The lactose intolerance , the intolerance to sucrose and fructose intolerance are part of these disorders.