What is interruption?

What Does interruption Mean

In order to know the meaning of the term interruption, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it derives from Latin, specifically from "interuptio". One word is that which means "action and effect of breaking into pieces and establishing a space between them" and which is the result of the sum of the following lexical components:

-The prefix "inter-", which is synonymous with "between" .

-The verb "rumpere", which is equivalent to "make pieces" and "break".

-The suffix “-cion”, which is used to indicate “action and effect”.

Interruption refers to the act and the consequence of interrupting . This verb (interrupt), in turn, refers to stopping or preventing the continuity of a process, an action, an issue, etc.
For example: “Due to an interruption in the transmission of the game, I could not see the first goal of my team” , “After two decades of interruption, the rail service that connects the capital with the seaside resort will be resumed” , “Excuse the interruption, Mr. Governor, but I think that before continuing with your speech you should give an answer to the neighbors who are complaining about the insecurity ” .

Among the words that function as a synonym for interruption we come across suspension, stop, interval, obstacle, cut, parenthesis, stop or hindrance. On the contrary, among its antonyms we find below, for example.
It is possible to detect interrupts in multiple contexts. Suppose that a power company announces that, due to maintenance tasks, the service will suffer an interruption between 7 and 8 in the morning. This means that users will not have electricity at that time.
The idea of ​​interruption also appears on certain occasions when a person is speaking. If a scientist is giving a lecture and someone in the audience, in the middle of the speech, raises his voice to ask him a question, there will be a break in the lecture . Most likely, the speaker will shut up to listen to the query and will resume the dissertation after responding.
The concept of interruption, on the other hand, is used to refer to what happens in an abortion : the ongoing pregnancy stops prematurely, preventing the pregnancy from continuing. The feminist movement demands in several countries that the voluntary interruption of pregnancy is legal so that the procedure can be carried out in hospitals safely.
Women who make the decision to carry out the voluntary termination of pregnancy can undergo different methods to achieve this, such as curettage, the aspiration method or the induction method. Not forgetting other chemicals that are based on the use of pills such as Misoprostol or RU 486.

However, we cannot forget that the natural interruption of pregnancy can also occur. This occurs spontaneously and behind it there may be causes as varied as a chromosomal abnormality in the fetus, a strong infection suffered by the mother or even the consumption of drugs and alcohol.

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