What Does instability Mean
The concept of instability refers to the absence of stability : the condition of stable. The adjective stable , in turn, refers to what does not change, remains in one place for a long period of time, or maintains balance.
The idea of instability appears in multiple contexts. In the field of meteorology , the notion is linked to the vertical movements of convection in an air mass , a phenomenon that is accentuated if there is a lot of humidity in the air .
When the atmosphere is unstable, the temperature of the rising air decreases more slowly than the temperature of the still air around it. This makes the air rise very easily, generating low-pressure regions on the surface where the surrounding air converges.
The atmospheric instability ultimately associated with the difference in temperature is recorded between the rising air mass and the environment. It does not have to do, therefore, with the wind and the precipitations.
In colloquial language and in the media, however, instability is often referred to when it rains or the day is windy. If rain is forecast for the next three days, a newscaster can say that "instability will continue , " to cite one case.
The emotional instability , meanwhile, is linked to impulsivity and dichotomous thoughts and polarized . The person suffering from this disorder shows a highly variable mood in the short term without reasonable causes. Those who are emotionally unstable have low self-esteem, do not tolerate frustration and exaggerate their reactions.
The subject of emotional instability is much more complex and comprehensive than it appears at first glance. People who have never suffered from this disorder often see it as a whim, as a negative personality trait . However, it is a real nightmare for those who suffer from it, since it is sealed in its essence and it is the only way in which it knows how to live.
One of the worst features of emotional instability is the lack of confidence in oneself . Although the subject can and usually conceals it, it is this gap, this void that inevitably leads him to lose his balance over and over again, no matter which path he takes.
Contrary to what third parties may believe, emotional instability accompanies the patient all day and all night, both when he is accompanied and when he is alone. It torments him before and after every decision and leads him to consume a large amount of energy per day, much higher than normal.
Let's not forget that every time a person with emotional instability cancels a commitment at the last minute, there are two groups: those who receive this news and get angry at the lack of advance notice; the one who is left alone and frustrated at home, sorry for having failed others and ashamed for having shown an apparently childish and capricious attitude.
Instability is very exhausting. It is like going up and down the stairs of a very tall building, over and over again using all our strength and in the shortest possible time. When this takes place first thing in the day, just before starting to study or work, it goes without saying that the subject's predisposition will be less than that of his environment, simply because he will not have the same degree of energy to face his obligations .
It is important to note that emotional instability can appear as a symptom of certain broader problems, such as bipolarity and borderline personality disorder.