What Does insidiousness Mean
Insidia , a term with etymological origin in the Latin language, refers to an act or an expression that carries a harmful intention . The concept, especially when used in the plural, can also refer to stalking (a deception perpetrated to harm an individual).
For example: “I suffered the insidiousness of my coworkers for many months until I decided to quit” , “I think Marcos acted insidiously, I don't think that his behavior was well-intentioned” , “I understand that people can make mistakes, but I do not tolerate insidiousness or the desire to harm the other ” .
In the field of law , trickery is considered an artifice that seeks to harm . Insidiousness in crimes such as forgery and fraud , among others, is taken into account.
Take the case of the crime of homicide . In Argentine legislation, criminal law contemplates the existence of an aggravated homicide when certain conditions are met. When taking into account the way of committing it, homicide is aggravated when the subject performs an insidious procedure , considering the insidiousness as the use of means for the victim to find greater difficulties when defending himself or preventing aggression.
Lastly , La Insidia is the name of a fountain with a set of sculptures found in Quito ( Ecuador ). It is a work developed in 1923 by the artist Antonio Salgado , currently located in the Mariscal Sucre parish , in front of the Benjamin Carrión House of Ecuadorian Culture .