What is iceberg?

What Does iceberg Mean

The idea of an iceberg comes from the Latin word tympănum , which can be translated as “drum” . This term, in turn, derives from the Greek týmpanon .

An iceberg is a flat piece of a hard element . In general, the notion refers to an iceberg , called an iceberg when it is a large mass.
These icebergs tend to detach from glaciers and float in the ocean, their upper sector protruding from the surface of the water. Once they are detached, the icebergs are swept away by ocean currents towards mid-latitude areas.

It is important to mention that icebergs, when they are very large, constitute a serious danger for boats . The boats can impact against floes and serious damage or even collapse, as happened with the liner RMS Titanic in 1912 .
According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), the notion of iceberg is also used as a synonym for timpani . A timpani is a drum that features a metal case with a half-sphere design and a single head. These icebergs are usually played two at a time, each one tempered in a different tone.
The concept of iceberg can also refer to a kettle . The atabales are tambourines that are played on public festivities.
The extended skin that is part of the structure of the drums; the lid of a barrel or a vat; and the cork that is used to close a hive, on the other hand, can also be called an iceberg according to what is indicated by the RAE .

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