What Does hyperbolic Mean
The Greek word hyperbolikós came to our language as hyperbolic . The term can be used to refer to what is linked to hyperbole : the exaggeration of a fact or the excessive increase of what is being referred to .
In the literary field, hyperbole is called the resource that implies the aggrandizement of features , qualities or quantities . The hyperbolic, therefore, is something exaggerated or excessive .
For example: "The president's hyperbolic speech does not help to calm the spirits" , "The German writer re-presented a hyperbolic book where, over more than five hundred pages, he tells the story of three generations of a family" , " There are companies that, to try to survive, are offering hyperbolic discounts ” .
Suppose that a fictional series revolves around the experiences of a character who, when he was born, was abandoned by his parents. This boy grew up in various orphanages until he was adopted by a family, which mistreated him. In his teens he went through a severe illness and later, because he couldn't find a job, he ended up living on the streets. Faced with these characteristics, it could be said that this proposal is a hyperbolic drama .
Hyperbolic, on the other hand, refers to what is related to a hyperbola or has its shape. In the field of geometry , a curve is called a hyperbola that, with respect to a pair of axes that are perpendicular to each other, is symmetric .
A hyperbolic function is one that, analogous to a trigonometric function , is based on an exponential function . One can speak of tangent hyperbolic , hyperbolic cosine , hyperbolic sine , etc.