What is Host?

Meaning of Host

The term host has a common use in our language and we use it when we want to account for that person who receives guests at home , usually for a meal or to celebrate some important event in their life or family.

The keys to be able to act as a good host are:

  • Having to properly plan the number of guests who will attend, the place they occupy at the table and even enough food and drink.
  • It is considered that a good action that a host can also do is to place objects or details that the guests have personally delivered to them in visible places in the house. In this way, seeing them will make them feel appreciated and comfortable.
  • When setting attendees to the table for lunch or dinner, you should be mindful of conflicts that may exist between them. It is also advisable not to put couples together to avoid being "isolated" from each other.
  • When the guests arrive, it is advisable to offer them something to drink or a snack until it is time to sit down at the table to eat.
  • We have to ensure that the area where, for example, you will be with guests, in addition to being clean and equipped with everything you might need, has a pleasant room temperature.

In general, the host is a media professional, who has studies in journalism , discourse or social communication , although, it should be noted that in recent years it has been very fashionable for personalities who do not have training in the subject of communication. , but who excel in a field , they are called to act as hosts in some events. In film or television awards shows , for example, it is now common practice for the biggest actors of the moment to host the event.

On the other hand, it is also recurrent that the term host is used to indicate that person, organization, nation, that receives other individuals , entities among others, who normally belong to other countries.

In those notable events that involve several countries and that take place in a specific nation, it is designated as the host of the event. Among the most common cases we can mention the soccer world cup , regional or world meetings of countries, such as the Ibero-American Summit, the UNU, OEA among others.

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