What is homeless?

What Does homeless Mean

The Latin term vagabundus derived from vagabond , a concept that is used in our language as an adjective to describe the person who does not have a fixed residence and who frequently moves from one place to another.

For example: "I spent two years as a homeless man in Europe, traveling to different countries and playing the guitar in exchange for coins" , "For a few days that homeless man has been living in the square" , "I offered a job to a homeless man but he didn't accept" .
In general, the idea of ​​homelessness is also linked to someone who is lazy and who decides not to work since they prefer laziness. This lack of obligations and responsibilities allows him to lead a wandering life .

It is important to differentiate between the homeless person (who does not register an address and does not have a trade or profession by choice) and the person who is forced to live on the street and who does not have a job since they cannot get it. The vagabond, in addition, is characterized by moving from one place to another frequently.
Beyond their little attachment to work and other commitments, homeless people engage in different activities to make ends meet. In many cases they ask for alms in the street or go to charities for food and clothing. They may also do odd or informal jobs , such as cleaning windows or opening taxi doors. Another method of survival for homeless people is to rummage through the trash for products that are still useful (such as cartons that can be sold).
Living in this way may seem impossible to imagine for many people, but those who claim to do it by choice have a series of apparently firm reasons, such as strong opposition to the government system and its impositions , discrimination and animal abuse, among other controversial issues that often make headlines through public demonstrations. In some ways, leaving the comforts our species has grown accustomed to decades ago to live on the streets can be a form of silent protest .
Human beings seem to have lost contact with nature, and that is why they believe they depend on medicine to survive: how many times do we stop to think that our most remote ancestors could not go to a medical consultation in the event of an accident or illness? While it is true that "evolution" has made us weaker and less able to overcome health problems , there are thousands of people who turn their backs on science and manage to live healthy and happy into old age . A wanderer who rejects the system altogether may well make use of natural elements to stay healthy, as well as rely on the wisdom of his own body.

As is to be expected, choosing an alternative path to that of the majority entails a series of problems, among which discrimination stands out. Homeless people tend to take care of their personal hygiene much less than others, and this can become a barrier that distances them from their environment . Returning to the topic of medicine, people considered "normal" practice personal hygiene every day and visit their trusted doctor with some regularity, in addition to taking vitamin supplements to protect themselves from diseases such as colds and flu; These and many other precautions can be threatened by coming into contact with someone who completely ignores them.
In 1955, " Lady and the Tramp ", the fifteenth film from Walt Disney Studios , was released in North America . It is based on the novel by Ward Greene and is about the relationship between two dogs, Reina and Tramp, who lead opposite lives until they meet and fall in love.

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