What Does Health Mean
Before entering fully into the definition of what the term health means, it is necessary to see where the etymological origin of the aforementioned concept is. More precisely, it must be emphasized that it is found in Latin and specifically in the word salus .
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) , health is the condition of every living being that enjoys absolute well-being both physically and mentally and socially . In other words, the concept of health not only accounts for the non-appearance of diseases or conditions but goes beyond that. In other words, the idea of health can be explained as the degree of efficiency of metabolism and the functions of a living being on a micro ( cellular ) and macro ( social ) scale .
Physical exercise contributes to health.
The importance of lifestyle
The lifestyle , that is, the type of habits and customs that a person has, can be beneficial to health, but it can also damage it or have a negative influence on it. For example, an individual who maintains a balanced diet and performs physical activities on a daily basis is more likely to be in good health. On the contrary, a person who eats and drinks excessively, who rests poorly and who smokes, runs a serious risk of suffering from preventable diseases.
An example of all this that we have pointed out in the previous paragraph could be the following: Despite his 90 years, Manuel enjoyed an iron health and it is that throughout his life he has always maintained good eating habits and has led out practicing a lot of sport.
Physical health and mental health
In broad terms, health can be recognized and analyzed from two perspectives: that of physical health and that of mental health , although in reality these are two interrelated aspects. To maintain physical health in optimal conditions, it is recommended to exercise regularly and have a balanced and healthy diet, with a variety of nutrients and proteins.
Thus, it is important to emphasize that to enjoy magnificent physical health it is necessary for the person in question to have a series of eating and sports habits. Thus, with regard to the first aspect, it must be emphasized that the diets that are carried out must be nutritious and balanced, avoiding as far as possible everything that refers to the intake of alcohol and other drugs, and also to put aside tobacco.
Medical and nursing professionals help prevent and treat health problems.
As for the practice of sports, there are many disciplines that contribute to the individual enjoying a good form. Thus, you can carry out the practice of swimming, cycling or jogging. However, it is true that in recent years the sports disciplines that have experienced the greatest growth are those that not only allow you to maintain a good physical shape but also a mental balance. This would be the case, for example, of yoga or Pilates.
The mental health , meanwhile, aims to bring together all the emotional and psychological factors which may affect every human being and force him to use his cognitive skills and sensitivity to function within a community and resolve any claims arising under everyday life.
Sciences that contribute to well-being
It should be noted that health sciences are those that allow obtaining the necessary knowledge to help prevent diseases and develop initiatives that promote the health and well-being of both a person in particular and the community in general.
The biochemistry , the food science , the medicine and psychology , among others, are sciences of health .