Meaning of Groceries
In the field of maritime transport, groceries are pieces of wood or metal , which are inserted into the spaces that are denoted between the containers , to prevent them from moving during the journey. These are inserted at an acute angle and have proven to be of great help in protecting merchandise. In the popular language of Central America, Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico and the Dominican Republic, “groceries” is the term used to refer to stores in which edible products are sold, as well as other essentials.
In countries like Spain, groceries are called “groceries” , since, in ancient times, these venues offered products that came from other territories, that is, from “overseas”. In Latin America, meanwhile, “groceries” comes from “crowded”, since, after the arrival of the ships loaded with food, these businesses were “crowded”. It should be noted that, especially in Mexico, this type of establishment has great economic profitability, which is demonstrated by its proliferation since the distant colonial times; These were evolving since then, until they became typical stores, stocked with basic necessities.
The groceries are equipped with cash registers , in addition to others arranged for cutting meats and sausages. Its products include cereals, canned foods , as well as some sugary drinks. These stores abound in lower- middle- class and lower-class areas, offering their customers a large selection of products. These, in the same way, have been classified by the population as "necessary", since they represent a quick option to the day-to-day needs.