Meaning of Friend with benefits
Friend is a term used colloquially to define the affective relationship that exists between a man and a woman who claim to be friends, but who can sometimes have sex without any kind of commitment. This word has recently been accepted by the Royal Spanish Academy RAE, defining it as "a person who maintains with another, a relationship of less formal commitment than a courtship."
This new modality in relationships is very common among today's youth, especially in the puberty phase , since it is here where the desire for sexuality begins , which precedes the ability to want to assume a formal affective commitment to the other.
With these new types of couples, societies return to sexual behaviors, similar to those that prevailed at the beginning of humanity , with the difference that this behavior is no longer for reproductive purposes. This thanks to the massification of contraceptive methods .
Many of those who adopt these kinds of relationships are people with a deep rejection of commitment and everything that implies limiting their freedom. It is important to note that not all people can take on this kind of love affair , since one of the most important dangers is falling in love with the other. It is important to clarify that this bond between the amigovios is one of friendship , and that this barrier should never be surpassed, the couple should not fall in love, unless both feel the same.
People who are very in love, or jealous should stay away from this type of relationship . When you no longer want to continue with this, you just put an end to it and now, this should not be so complicated since the game was accepted by both.
There are indicators that show when it is necessary to get out of these relationships, some of them are:
When you begin to feel an emotional void , after being with your friend, you see.
When you start to question this relationship , considering it a waste of time .
When you no longer want to be alone and you long for a serious and stable relationship.
When the complaints begin, jealousy , anger, with the other person.