What is folliculitis?

Folliculitis is a condition that involves an infection of the hair follicles. Essentially, the infection can be caused by the introduction of bacteria or fungi into the skin around the hair follicle. In most cases, folliculitis requires little or no attention and will go away in a short period of time. However, recurrent infections can lead to scarring and the development of what is known as deep folliculitis.

In most cases, folliculitis will appear as a small pimple around the base of the hair follicle. The pimple will have a white head as it is filled with pus. In very mild cases, the use of soap and water will cause the pimple to fade and the body's immune system will overcome the mild infection in a matter of days. With superficial types of folliculitis, there will be no permanent damage to the skin.

Deep folliculitis is another matter. Along with infection of the follicles that can be seen from the surface, there is also infection around the root of the follicle. The deeper inflammation is often accompanied by some degree of pain and will make the sufferer want to scratch the infected area.

When folliculitis reaches this deeper stage, other treatments than simple hygiene become necessary. The first round of treatments may include a topical cream or ointment that contains agents designed to kill bacteria or fungi present at the site of inflammation. More severe cases may require the use of oral antibiotics that circulate through the bloodstream and attack the condition from inside the body.

In the worst cases of folliculitis, laser treatments may be necessary to stop the spread of the infection. Laser treatments will effectively kill the follicle and root, while also killing bacteria and helping to minimize the chances of further scarring. In general, new hair follicles will not grow in the treated area, making hair loss permanent.

While folliculitis can appear anywhere on the body where hair follicles are present, men and women seem to experience the condition on the scalp more often than the legs or arms. Also, men tend to experience mild folliculitis in the beard area of ​​the face.

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