What is flight?

What Does flight Mean

Flight is the action of flying . This verb refers to rising in the air and moving through it for a certain time. Said elevation can take place thanks to the wings or some aviation apparatus . For example: "The flight of the eagle is majestic, as we can see by observing that specimen that is heading towards the top of the mountain" , "Gentlemen passengers, you are informed that the flight to the city of Madrid is delayed by strong storms " , " The defender kicked hard and the ball made a surprising flight, until it fell just inside the arc . "

The notion of flight is used to name the space that a bird travels flying and without landing on the ground or any object: "This species performs long-distance flights in search of food" , "When noticing that a pack of wolves was approaching, bird took flight and left " , " Have you ever seen the flight of a swallow? " .

The path that an airplane travels between its take-off point and its final destination is called a flight. This tour can include stopovers : “They told me we will have about ten hours of flight before arriving in Africa” , “It was a very calm flight, without turbulence or inconveniences” , “They have not announced our flight yet” .
For a few years now, thanks to the possibilities offered by the Internet to expand the boundaries of a business through unprecedented communication with customers, there have been services to search for cheap flights and to compare various airlines. Although it is not something that did not exist before the massification of the Network, it is no longer necessary to travel or make phone calls in search of the best offer, since all that work is done by a website in a matter of seconds, to show us the prices of the most important airlines and discounts per reservation.
While in the past flying by plane was a luxury that many people could not afford in their entire lives, today it is an increasingly common experience, in part thanks to such services , which open the doors to exceptionally cheap travel , which fit almost all pockets. Those who know how to look for the best opportunities and are willing to book a flight several months in advance, can get almost negligible prices.
In another sense, it is known as flight to the breadth or extension of a dress in the part that does not fit the body . It can also be about the breadth of any fabric in general: "This skirt has a lot of flare" , "I'm looking for a red curtain that has flight" , "I prefer tight dresses, without so much flight" .

The expression to hunt something on the fly means to warn of a situation, generally negative, as soon as it occurs, just in time to prevent it from turning into something worse. It can refer to a verbal attack, such as being a hint, and in such a case saying "I caught his hints on the fly" would mean that the recipient of such attacks was able to understand them as soon as they were spoken and that, perhaps, he refuted them instantly.
Let's look at another use of this expression. In May 2014, in the Guangdong region of China, a one-year-old boy was playing in his second-story window while his mother was away. Two neighbors noticed the situation and quickly approached the building, since they realized that the fall was imminent . To complicate the scene, it was a stormy day, which made the structure of the window more slippery in which the boy put his life at risk every second. Finally, he fell but one of the men managed to catch him in flight , saving him just in time.

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