What is film?

What Does film Mean

A film is a film or motion picture tape . The term comes from the English word film , which is also accepted by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) in its dictionary.

To understand what a film is, you first have to focus on the concept of a motion picture film . This is how the celluloid roll is called that presents multiple photographs , which are projected on a screen or on another type of flat surface thanks to a cinematograph .

The idea of a cinematograph , meanwhile, refers to the device that makes it possible to record and project films. The succession of the images on the screen at a certain speed generates the sensation of movement : in this way, the viewers do not see isolated photos, but a continuity .
It is important to mention that the cinematographic work is also called film . Films as a whole are often referred to simply as cinema .
Therefore, it can be affirmed that, in the most limited or technical sense, a film is a celluloid tape with still images that, when projected consecutively and with a very rapid succession, produce the optical illusion of movement. Another way of understanding the film is as a work that tells a story , be it fiction or documentary.
Those who create a film or cinematographic work want viewers to see it (that is, to attend the projection of the images). Many people intervene in the creation of a film, participating in multiple processes: there is a director , scriptwriters , actors , cameramen , sound engineers , etc.

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