What Does feeling Mean
A feeling is a state of mind that is produced by causes that impress you , and these can be joyful and happy, or painful and sad. The feeling arises as a result of an emotion that allows the subject to be aware of their state of mind.
Feelings are linked to brain dynamics and determine how a person reacts to different events. These are impulses of sensitivity towards what is imagined as positive or negative.
Feelings are born from emotions.
Determination of mood
In other words, feelings are conceptualized emotions that determine mood . When they are healthy, it is possible to achieve happiness and get brain dynamics to flow normally. Otherwise, an emotional imbalance is experienced that can lead to the emergence of disorders such as depression .
Changes in emotional charges determine the characteristics of feelings. Emotions can be brief in time, but generate feelings that persist over the years.
Positive feelings and negative feelings
Basically, feelings are classified as positive (when they promote good works) and negative (if they encourage bad actions). It is also common that it is recommended to fight against the latter to achieve inner peace . Good or bad, however, both groups share the impossibility of being accurately conveyed.
This division of feelings according to moral and ethical parameters is very unstable, since it varies considerably depending on the eyes that look at it. The struggle to understand good and evil is probably the oldest legacy we carry as a species; no one in their right mind would dare to publicly admit that they do evil to others, just as very few people would be deprived of shouting from the rooftops that they help the disadvantaged.
It is common for feelings to be classified as positive or negative according to moral precepts.
Different ways of feeling about death
But how do you know if a feeling is positive or negative? Based on the most popular examples, we can say that wishing someone death is bad, while being happy about the birth of a healthy baby is good. If we accept the veracity of these statements, then a serious contradiction arises between these principles and some very particular situations, those that force us to question our principles.
When a child is abused by an elder, a hatred is created in him that, in many cases, leads him to wish with all his might that his aggressor die. Of course, these are not happy or constructive thoughts, and that it is always preferable to work to channel anger in a healthy way, but it is certainly difficult to qualify a victim's feelings towards their abuser in the same way as someone's envy for your neighbor's car.
This leads us to a more complex classification, which attempts to delve into the reasons that give rise to feelings, to determine, in some way, if they are justifiable. Despite all the studies that can be done on human sensitivity, this is an area that seems impossible to master, especially when love , hate, frustration and passion come into play .
Feelings generated by pregnancy or birth
When it comes to people's feelings towards childhood, it is difficult to find a pair of eyes that does not light up at the news of a pregnancy, or at the innocent smile of a child. However, this joy that most feel when thinking about a birth does not seem to pay attention to certain problems closely related to human procreation, such as overpopulation and poverty, depending on the case.
Being sad to see a pregnant woman does not necessarily mean hating life ; On the contrary, if it is a person without resources, or who suffers from a terminal illness or was the victim of rape, disappointment in such a situation could be the most positive and productive way to react, the most generous towards the creature that is gestated in its womb.