What is Family tree?

Meaning of Family tree

It is a graphical representation that allows the identification of the ancestors and descendants of an individual, this schematization is carried out in an orderly way in a system that will be represented or implemented in the form of a tree or tables. This genealogical tree can be described in an ascending way to identify the ancestors of our birth, or otherwise, in a descending way to identify our descendants (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren).

A genealogical tree is a pictographic scheme in which the ancestors and successors of an individual are arranged. It is called "tree", since in this way it is represented, and the ascendants will go at its top or tip. Their direct descendants will follow in linear order, the brothers extending sideways.

Depending on the technique and skills to carry out these diagrams, a creative genealogical tree can be obtained, which outlines in a striking way the members of that family and the connections that exist between them. Simple trees can be made, in which only the parents and children appear, even those more complex and intricate that span multiple generations, and even connect with other trees. The study to carry out these schemes is genealogy, also known as family history, which consists of the study, registration and monitoring of the consanguineous or genetic members of a family.

This can have several purposes , among which it stands out to carry out a genetic family history to determine why they suffer from some diseases or some inherited genes that may increase the risk of suffering them. In the same way, a doctor can with this information recommend to the person what changes in their lifestyle should be made and determine what risk an individual has in transmitting these conditions to their children, among many other uses.

It should be noted that these images are not only limited to the human family genealogical tree , since it can be used to capture the roots, evolution and families of the species and be able to categorize them for study.

The etymology of the word "genealogy" comes from the Latin genealogĭa; from the Greek γενεαλογία (genealogy), made up of γένος (genos) which means race, caste, family, descent. Its meaning in this sense would be family tree or descent.

What is a family tree for?

  • Know the ancestors of an individual.
  • Determine what type of illnesses or diseases suffered and how they can affect the person. This would help make accurate diagnoses when investigating genetic syndromes that have run in the family for generations . For example: if several members of a family have cancer, their descendants may be at high risk for it as well.
  • In the case of animals , for example, in dogs, it is applied to know their ancestry or pedigree (genealogical tree in English, whose original term is pedigree); and in the study of animals in general, to find out the existence of new species, among other applications.
  • A family tree drawing can be used to capture family diagrams with anthropological utility, with which, carried out exhaustively, the first civilizations of the world can be studied.
  • For a person, knowing their origins and roots is very important, so a thorough investigation of the family genealogical tree of an individual will allow them to identify and get in contact with members of their family with whom they did not know they were related.
  • In the monarchies of the world , the use of the genealogical tree is essential, since the crowns are inherited to their blood descendants.
  • In school age , there is the genealogical tree for children in which the little ones can know their origin when they study the structure of the family as the basis for society, and establish how people and their origins are related.

How to make a family tree

There are multiple resources online for making this type of diagram . Pages with tools to make a creative family tree , where you will get a family tree to print, family tree images or family tree template, being very useful for those who wish to capture their own.

To carry out a family genealogical tree requires a comprehensive study of family history. According to the relatives taken into account to make the tree, two types of lineages can be classified : blood lineage , whose tree is made up only of male ancestors, used much earlier in the royal family to identify who would be the heir to the throne; and the navel lineage , which are the female ancestor relatives.

Once you have the complete family information , you can proceed to carry out the family scheme. To do this, you take a blank sheet of paper and begin to draw a large tree.

The trunk is generally short , the important thing is that the tops and branches are abundant. Then, begin to shape the ascending relatives, called great-great-grandparents, great-grandparents, grandparents and parents.

Then come the descendants of these same ancestors , these are the uncles, cousins, nephews, brothers of the person who makes the scheme and that same subject. The order of them will depend on age , since all this is organized following a regime or hierarchy that goes from the oldest to the youngest. Family trees can be made by adding the names of relatives and attaching a small photograph.

Family tree examples

  • Direct Ancestor Tree : This contains the direct line of the father and mother and the four grandparents. Leaving aside siblings, uncles, etc.
  • Mixed tree : this is the most traditional and in which both the ancestors and the descendants of the author can be plotted.
  • Tree of ancestors of the agnatic line : this will only take the line of male ancestors.
  • Tree of ancestors of cognatic line : in this only the line of female ascendants is plotted.

Frequently Asked Questions about Family Tree

How to make a family tree?

Thorough research should be done on the person's ancestors. Then draw a tree (in some models, the ascendants go in the crown, and in others, in the root), and go schematizing in chronological order until reaching the author.

What kind of information does a family tree provide?

It allows the person to know their ancestors, verify to which ethnic groups or racial groups they belong, in addition to knowing their medical history and being able to anticipate together with a doctor what possible diseases they could face themselves and their own descendants.

How to make a creative family tree?

On the Internet there are tools, such as specialized programs to carry them out adjusted to the need or required size. There are also default templates with original figures and diagrams. The use of colors to differentiate one generation from another can be highlighted.

How to make a family tree in English?

The same procedure must be carried out for a genealogical tree in Spanish and placed next to the names of each family member with their titles in English (example: grandfather).

How can I find out my family tree?

A person can go to their local records to begin a trace back from their parents. It can start in parishes or civil registries, as civil documents such as birth and marriage certificates can provide key information. The Internet also represents a very valuable resource, since complementary searches can be carried out.
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