What is Failed Acts?

Meaning of Failed Acts

Human beings are complex beings, the intentions of an action are not always the same as the final fact . In this way, we can speak of a failed act in reference to those actions that are generally performed correctly, however, when the expected result is not obtained , the person generally looks for the possible cause of that result, the luck factor (possibility) or the lack of total concentration in the performance of that act.

According to psychoanalytic theory, a failed act is an act in which the result is not explicitly obtained, but the initial act is replaced by a different result . In other words, we do not speak of failed acts to designate the set of errors of speech, memory and action, but rather refers to those behaviors that the individual is usually capable of successfully performing and whose failure tends to attribute to the inattention or random. From the psychoanalytic point of view, failed acts are compromise formations between the subject's conscious intention and the repressed one. These failures can also be facilitated by fatigue, lack of concentration, among others.

It can also be said; that failed acts are those behaviors that are generally performed correctly but that when they make mistakes are attributed to inattention or chance .

Sigmund Freud tries to show that failed acts are equal to symptoms, that is, they reflect the conflict between conscious intention and the repressed.

Failed acts occur frequently in all normal people , and their meanings have not been adequately explained or taken into account as the opinion of this author deserves.

For example, when a person says one thing for another , or writes something different from what is intended, or when he reads something other than what is written, or when he misrepresents what he hears.

These phenomena include temporary forgetfulness , times when we lose something and don't remember where we keep it, or situations we conjure up, different from those that actually occurred.

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