What is facilitator?

What Does facilitator Mean

Before proceeding to analyze the term facilitator in depth, it is interesting that we first establish its etymological origin. In this sense, we can determine that it is found in Latin and more specifically in the word facilis , which can be translated as "easy" and which in turn emanates from the verb facere which is synonymous with "do".

The facilitator is a person who acts as a facilitator or instructor in an activity . In some countries , the term is used as a synonym for professor or teacher .
The concept also makes it possible to appoint speakers at seminars or similar events. These are specialists and professionals with a solid preparation in the topic addressed, who try to develop the potential of the attendees or listeners.

In teamwork , the facilitator is the one who directs the flow of discussions and who is responsible for fostering respectful dialogue. So your job is to remove obstacles, summarize different points of view, and foster a positive and productive spirit.
It should be noted that the facilitator is not the leader or the head of the group, but is responsible for directing the process so that all participants focus on the objectives. It is important that the facilitator remains neutral in the discussions.
Within groups where the attempt is to reach agreements between the parties involved, the role of the facilitator is essential and necessary. And it is that it will be in charge of making those understand the particular and general objectives that they want to achieve, the tools to achieve them and also the establishment of a plan for it.
To ensure that his action and performance is truly successful, this professional who concerns us must, above all, respect all members of the group equally, be aware of the realities and needs of this group of people and the necessary capacity to get the parties to understand the rest. Only in this way will everyone benefit and be satisfied with the result of the teamwork.
In Honduras, Cuba and Venezuela it is where we speak of facilitator to refer to the individual whose mission is to be able to carry out orientation tasks in the development of a certain activity. However, in the last mentioned country, the term facilitator is also frequently used as a synonym for teacher.
In the field of education , there are those who establish a difference between the traditional teacher and the facilitator. While the pedagogical model tends to place the teacher as the one who possesses the knowledge and imparts it to the students, the andragogical model prefers to consider the teacher as a facilitator, where the reciprocity of teaching is emphasized and the student's experience is valued .

Therefore, the facilitator promotes an active attitude of the student and encourages their participation in the teaching-learning process. In this sense, the facilitator takes into account cultural diversity and different social realities, valuing differences and enriching instruction based on them.

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