What is environment?

Meaning of environment

The environment is called the set of natural elements such as air, water or soil and social elements that make life on the planet feasible; in other words, it is the environment where the human being develops, develops and prolongs his life . This environment is made up of biological and physical beings such as fauna, human beings and flora , and both natural or biological elements are correlated for the proper functioning of said environment.

This term refers to the entire environment that surrounds the body , an example of this is the temperature or environment. It is also acceptable to say that it is nothing more than an expression relative to the atmosphere or the air that living beings breathe .

The term has the ability to indicate different circumstances or conditions of a given site, which is why we can speak of a synonym environment such as hostile, pleasant environments, good environments, some more conducive than others, social or psychological media, among others.

The term can be used to identify a social class , for example, professional or bourgeois backgrounds. In literature, the environment is part of a group of situations in the environment in which a narrative is unfolding , this can be historical, dramatic or romantic.

In the American continent, the word is used to refer to a set of rooms that are part of a home , an example of this is to say that you are looking for a 3-room house.

It is also possible to refer to the term in very crowded and nocturnal places , in fact, some have totally varied themes to coexist, for example, the disco has a Latin music environment.

The word environment originates from the Latin “ambien-ambientis” which means that it goes from one side to the other, which encompasses an environment; surrounding .

Natural environment

It is one in which there are no human alterations , in fact, the concept can be used as a synonym for all nature and the environment because it is nothing more than everything that surrounds humanity and that, in turn, conditions them. . These media are made up of society, culture, nature of a time and place.

Artificial environment

In this aspect, humanity intervenes, in fact, the conditions of sleep, living organisms such as flora and fauna and even rain are controlled by humans or simply seek a way to control them. An example, genetic modifications in food and plants.

Psychological environment

It is a means of behavior and is defined as the situation that a person has and that he interprets according to the most immediate external environment . This is related to the needs that a person has. This type of media can influence emotions, changing the animated atmosphere for something tense or nostalgic.

Learning environments

It is a set of actors and elements that can participate in the learning and teaching process . These characters are the students and teachers and it is important to emphasize that, while these means are used, the actors do not have to coincide in time and space, so it is not essential that they be together during these processes .

It should also be noted that the characters develop certain activities that enable them to create and assimilate new knowledge, in fact, their main objective is to evaluate the results of all the information that has been provided .

These media have a challenge and it is based on being able to integrate all those elements that are systematically related and achieve that the fulfillment of all its objectives is both efficient and effective.

Types of learning environments

There are 3 types of media distributed between physical, virtual and hybrid, which will be explained below.

  • Physical environment : it is nothing more than a medium that surrounds the student , in this context, we speak of the classroom. In this type of environment there is interaction between the student and the teacher in the same place and in the same periods of time. The task of the educator is based on implementing all the learning and teaching models that he has and that can promote the involvement of the learners.
  • Virtual environment : it is a totally digital space , asynchronous and synchronous at the same time, in which different learning and teaching processes can be carried out. In this regard , the educator must have the ability to remotely identify all the needs and characteristics of students , this in order to create strategies to promote learning autonomously.
  • Hybrid environment : they are all those in which physical and virtual media can be mixed to favor the student in any situation, an example of this is the educational measures carried out by the pandemic since 2020.


These means are important because they are immediately reflected in the student, but only when they are suitable and effectively practiced . Students can carry out all their activities without feeling forced and learn every day to be able to integrate into society without difficulties.

Work environment

The work environment can be defined as an environment that is generated by the emotions of all those members of the organization, group, company or workplace, which is related to the motivation of the workers, this means that the mental part , emotional and physical are connected to each other.

Types of work environments

The work environment is divided into 4 different types that will be explained as follows.

  • Authoritarian : in this aspect, the establishment of clear and precise orders is allowed , as well as certain levels of strategy that are defined so that employees can work efficiently.
  • Paternalistic : here there is a level of trust between managers and employees, but communication is vertical , this means that proactivity is not well received by both parties .
  • Consultative : it is based on the trust that the organization or company has, this houses the levels of freedom and decisions so that each collaborator is empowered in their employment . It is quite common in small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Participative : in this aspect a clear communicational level is required , so that decisions can be made and that the environment remains harmonious . This is also known as the organizational environment.


These means are important because thanks to them companies are kept afloat , otherwise, the consequences are very harmful not only among co-workers, but also for managers. The management of companies or organizations must manage talent in employees, which can guarantee emotional assets that resolve all types of conflicts .

Environments of a home

It is nothing more than those environments typical of a home , that is, the bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, living room or dining room. These can be a cultural environment if decoration traditions are followed or simply be a modern environment that has the latest technology and current designs.

Studio apartment

The term is used to designate houses or apartments composed of a single environment in which the space corresponding to the living room and the bedroom, room or room are together. The study also usually has a bathroom and a space for cooking, since these are not considered within the rule of the environments. Generally, a studio apartment is really a typically small and intimate space , ideal for the house of a single person or a couple.

Environment design

These are all those processes in which building programs or implementation of various products are planned to develop a home .

Social environment

It is about that place in which all the individuals of a society develop , only with different conditions of work, economy, life and income level. It is related to the ethnic or social groups to which a subject belongs.

This is also known as a cultural environment because it is the one in which the person lives , where they received their education and where they fully develop. Interaction in these media can be personal or making use of various types of communication , and can be anonymous or expressing who it is. For this to happen it is not necessary to belong to the same social status.

Frequently Asked Questions about Environment

What is an environment?

The term has different meanings, it may have to do with the nature or the environment in which a person develops emotionally and physically. 

What are learning environments?

They are those in which processes are used so that people can capture teaching and learning, either physically, virtually or with hybrid means. Read more

How does the environment influence learning?

It does so directly, since it is the coexistence between the student, teacher and the rest of the elements of these media.

Why is the work environment important?

Because without an adequate environment, people will experience chaos within their work area, everything would be hostile and complicate their performance. 

What is the social environment?

It is the environment in which people develop, where humans are born, live, socialize, study and work.


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