What is Enough?

What Does Enough Mean

The most common use of the term enough comes from the verb suffice , which refers to the fact that it is sufficient for a certain thing. Enough is also used as an interjection to end something .

For example: “I don't need proof: your word is enough for me” , “Enough talking about politics! All we do is argue about it ” , “ I think it is enough for him that you provide him with a house and food ” .
In the first example , a person affirms that he does not require further demonstrations as proof of the veracity or authenticity of a particular fact since the words of his interlocutor are enough to confirm it. In the second, on the other hand, enough is used as an interjection to request that political issues no longer be discussed. Finally, the third example is linked to a subject who wants nothing more than a roof and food.

As can be seen, this word has various uses. But its versatility is rare, since we can find it in a formal speech as well as an informal one, as part of a cordial conversation but also in a phrase loaded with insolence or aggressiveness.
This variety can be appreciated above all when we compare sentences in which the term corresponds to the conjugation of the verb suffice in the third person singular of the Present tense of the Indicative mood, with others in which it is used as an interjection.
Let's look at two examples to delve into these differences: "To start our collaboration, just fill out the following form and sign each page" , "Stop bothering me, heavy!" . The first sentence can be part of a very formal conversation between two people who are preparing to create a business, for example, for which there is no trace of vulgarity, while the second is a complaint that can only be expressed in an informal setting , between two close people, such as being friends or siblings.
The Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) mentions two other meanings of the word coarse : on the one hand, it can be an adjective to describe a person "rough, rude, without polish, lack of delicacy"; on the other, it may come from bastjan , a Germanic word that can be translated as “sew” . In the latter case, a hem is a basting : a seam that is carried out using long stitches. In addition, the bastas are the ties or the tips that the wool mattresses have.
The diminutive of coarse, in this context, is the hemline : the fold secured with stitches to ensure that a fabric does not fray at the ends.
The coarse stitch is very simple and versatile, as it can be used in many different projects, ranging from sewing to embroidery. Other names given are about to hemline or basting . In general, the work is carried out from right to left, taking as a reference a previously established line and the steps to follow are as follows:

* tie a knot in the back of the fabric, so that it cannot be seen from the outside, and pass the thread towards the visible part;
* determine the distance at which we want to make the points. In general, sections ranging from 0.5 cm to 1.5 cm are used, depending on the function we want to give to the hem;
* start basting until completing the previously established extension , trying to respect the distance between the points;
* make one or two stitches at the end to finish the job.
Finally, “Basta” is the title of the fifth album published by Quilapayún , a folklore band that was founded in Chile in 1965 . This album, featuring twelve songs, was released in 1969 .

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