What Does drug addiction Mean
The concept of drug addiction arises, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) , from the English notion drug addiction . It is the addiction to drugs (the habit of a person who is mastered by boosting consumption).
The drug dependence certain involves behaviors that generate a physical, psychological and social deterioration. The addict, for example, wants to reduce or stop consumption but is unable to do so. On the contrary, it is common for the amount consumed to grow each day as the body's tolerance level increases (and, therefore, to achieve the desired effects, the dose must be increased).
The drug addict also tends to gradually abandon his usual social relationships and reduce daily activities, since the intake of the drug occupies his time and interest. In the event that, for one reason or another, you discontinue use, you will suffer from withdrawal syndrome (a physical and psychological reaction to the lack of drugs).
Drug addiction generates intoxication in the person , with physiological and emotional changes. These changes will depend on the drug in question, since there are substances more harmful than others.
There are many drugs that can lead to someone suffering from this problem at hand. Specifically, among the most common are the following:
• Marijuana. Feelings of panic, delirium, bloodshot eyes, violence, infections of various types or lack of coordination are some of the most frequent effects that someone with an addiction can suffer from it, which is also known by the names of maría, hashish or cannabis.
• LSD. A hallucinogen is one that produces from tremors to paranoia through anxiety or blurred vision.
• Cocaine. One of the worst addictions to the drug is to this substance, which can be taken by smoking, injecting or snorting it. The fact that at first the person who takes it experiences a feeling of euphoria is one of the reasons why many people are encouraged to try it and get hooked. However, they will then have to deal with adverse aspects such as numbness, memory loss, social isolation or various sleep problems.
Amphetamines, inhalants, opiates or angel dust are other substances that create drug addiction. This is a problem that, in order to be overcome, requires that the person who suffers it put himself in the hands of experts because only in this way will he be able to get out of the well in which he is.
That professional will take into account the substance to which he is addicted or the level of dependence that one has on that to establish a treatment, which can be made up of drugs and behavioral therapies.
It is important to note that there is no single cause that explains the beginning of a drug addiction. Personal, family and work problems can cause depression , anxiety or another type of mental pathology, leading the person to look for a way to escape through drugs. Some experts believe that soft drugs (such as marijuana) are the first step toward more serious drug addiction with heavy drugs (such as cocaine).