What is digestive tube?

What Does digestive tube Mean

A tube is a hollow element that is usually cylindrical in shape. Digestive , on the other hand, is that linked to digestion (the process that allows food to be transformed into a substance that the body can assimilate).

The concept of the digestive tract is equivalent to the notions of digestive system and digestive tract . It is the structure formed by the organs involved in digestion.
The digestive tract, in this sense, begins in the mouth , which is the place through which food enters the body. The teeth grind the food and, with the help of saliva, the food bolus is created , which travels through the pharynx and esophagus until it reaches the stomach .

In this sector of the digestive tract, gastric juice and muscle movements turn the bolus into the chyme . This then passes to the small intestine , where bile and pancreatic juices intervene. The last sector of the digestive tract is formed by the large intestine , which ends in the rectum . Through the anus , finally, the remains of the food that cannot be digested are eliminated.
As can be seen, the organs that make up the digestive tract are involved in the entire digestion process, from when food enters the body through the mouth until waste is expelled through the anus. The digestive tract, in short, fulfills the function of transporting food and breaking it down for the absorption of nutrients and then eliminating waste.
Many different diseases can occur in the digestive tract , depending on the organ or area they affect. This whole set of disorders is called digestive diseases , and their severity varies widely, from mild to serious.
Let's see below some of the most common digestive diseases, grouped according to the part of the digestive tract in which they appear:
* stomach : lactose intolerance, gastritis, hiatal hernia, peptic ulcer and stomach cancer ;
* bile : cholangitis, cholecystitis, biliary cancer and gallstones;
* anus or rectum : hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, anal fissure, proctitis, colon polyps, colorectal cancer and irritable bowel syndrome;
* esophagus : esophagitis (or esophagitis ), achalasia, stricture and gastroesophageal reflux disease;
* liver : hepatitis (A, B, or C), liver cancer , Wilson's disease, cirrhosis, liver coma, liver failure, and alcoholic hepatitis;

* pancreas : pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer and pancreatic pseudocyst;
* intestines : duodenal ulcer, parasites, groin hernia, fecal incontinence, duodenitis, tenesmus, diverticulitis, diverticulosis, irritable bowel syndrome, gases , infections (rotavirus, cholera, salmonellosis, etc.), crohn's disease, celiac disease, malabsorption, ischemic colitis , intestinal obstruction.
Far from technicalities, there are many pictures that usually point to problems in the digestive tract. For example, the loss of blood when going from the body, the bloating of the abdomen , the constipation and the diarrhea.
These and other symptoms are much more common than digestive diseases, and there are a large number of home remedies to treat them, as well as industrial products that professionals advise consuming on a daily basis.
The acidity gastric is another common problems of the digestive tract, and often appears in times of stress or after overeating, usually at parties or group meals.
This disorder is characterized by a burning sensation in the esophagus and we should only be concerned if it appears frequently, since it may be gastroesophageal reflux , a disease that occurs when the band of muscles at the beginning of the stomach does not close properly, thus allowing that the contents of the latter go up into the esophagus.
Los niños pequeños suelen presentar con frecuencia otro de los problemas del tubo digestivo más comunes: vómitos y náuseas. Así como la acidez, no debemos darle mayor importancia si solamente aparecen de forma aislada y si se resuelven con reposo y depuración.

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