What Does daily life Mean
Existence is understood as life . The term usually refers to the activity carried out by an organic being or, more precisely, to its ability to be born, develop, reproduce and die. The everyday , on the other hand, is what is done every day.
The concept of daily life , therefore, refers to the actions that a person develops on a daily basis . Some are common to all individuals (waking up, eating, going to sleep), while others depend on the reality of each subject.
Take the case of a 10-year-old boy . Your daily life may include waking up, having breakfast with your parents, going to school , playing with friends, watching TV, having dinner at home, and sleeping. If the routine varies, it will include situations that do not belong to everyday life: that is what will happen if, one day, the child has to go to the doctor because his stomach hurts. This activity (going to the doctor) is not daily for the little one.
For adults, daily life often includes work activities . For many people, therefore, daily life involves spending several hours in an office , a factory, etc.
Philosophers and sociologists often argue that everyday life makes meanings and generates naturalness . In this way, everyday life is "safe" as it minimizes uncertainty.
The daily life of many people who make up a community generates traditions and customs . That is why it is common for most people in a certain country to eat lunch at a similar time and choose similar foods, for example.
It should be noted that human beings are generally not aware of this phenomenon until we travel abroad, especially if we visit a country with very different customs from ours. Since activities such as eating and sleeping are usually associated with certain times of the day from the time we are born, not many people dare to question this relationship but rather accept it as part of normalcy .
When we leave the plane of the normal and we are faced with a reality different from ours, several things can happen: that we simply appreciate it as one more possibility within the range that encompasses the organization of the human being in society, but then we return to the our; that we try to adapt to be able to begin to be part of it (something that happens when we move abroad); that we reject it outright and despise it.
Everyday life is a concept as relative as love, and at the same time it can become as rigid and unquestionable as this: we do not hesitate to get up in the morning and have breakfast, go to work, come back for dinner and go to sleep, or neither do we wonder if we should continue to love our loved ones every day; We do all this and much more with apparent normality, but this does not mean that there are no small fissures within us, but that we often neglect them so as not to threaten our stability .
When a person leaves their country because they are not satisfied with the quality of life, or they fall out with their family because they do not feel a true union with them, a very important break takes place, which very few people dare to experience. .
Leaving the everyday behind is difficult, since every second of the new life reminds us that we are "newcomers", beings who belong to another reality and who must try hard to fit in and find themselves at ease. However, even though everyday life seems like the space in which we feel safe, our true happiness is often at risk.