What is crustacean?

What Does crustacean Mean

Crustacean , from the Latin crusta ( "scab" , "bark" ), is a class of arthropod animals with gill respiration , which have two pairs of antennae and a variable number of appendages and which are covered by a generally calcified shell .

Crustaceans are a subphylum of arthropods . There are more than 67,000 species of crustaceans, such as crabs , shrimp , lobsters and prawns . Most of the crustaceans are aquatic, inhabiting fresh and salt water and in all depths.
All crustaceans share certain anatomical characteristics, although their size is highly variable. The bodies are composed of various segments or metamers that are usually part of three body regions: the cephalon (the head), the pereion (thorax) and the pleon (abdomen). The first segments of the thorax can join the head forming the region known as the cephalothorax .

Crustaceans are often a highly valued food and fishery resource. Shrimp, for example, are consumed almost all over the world . The usual thing is that they are eaten cooked and without the head, the shell, the fins and the intestines. The tortillita shrimp , the shrimp cocktail , the shrimp soup and rice with shrimp are some of the most popular dishes made with this crustacean.
The prawn is another crustacean that is consumed as food in various regions of the planet. Your body is a source of vitamins B and D and minerals such as phosphorus, iron, and iodine. The shrimp cocktail , the skewers of shrimp and ceviche shrimp are among the recipes can be made with the crustacean.
Some of the rarest crustaceans in the world are described below:
Skeleton shrimp
This crustacean, whose females poison and devour the males after having mated, has a very particular physical appearance, similar to that of a translucent skull. It has an elongated body, which is firmly attached to various surfaces, including algae, sponges and corals, so that its prey does not detect its presence in time to escape its clutches. It is worth mentioning that human action has forced this species to change its habitat on more than one occasion.
Pea crab
It is a type of parasite belonging to the family Pinnotheridae , which inhabits the bodies of oysters, sea cucumbers, clams and sea squirts, among other animals, and consumes a percentage of its host's food. Physically, it is characterized by having a soft and delicate shell.

At first glance, the crustacean of the class remipedia resembles a centipede, so much so that it also has a series of protrusions that it uses to inject venom into its prey. It usually lives in saltwater aquifers and underwater caverns, which makes it a difficult animal to spot.
Whale louse
Also called a cyamid, it is the largest arthropod ever discovered and spends its entire life on the surface of the body of whales and porpoises, clinging to their scars and wrinkles. It should be noted that it does not cause any kind of harm to its host; instead, they feed on your dead skin, as well as algae. Although it is not visible to the naked eye, it belongs to a branch of the skeleton shrimp family that does not hunt for survival.
Anchor worm
This name responds to various families of copepod crustaceans (small, that live in the sea or in fresh water and that are part of the plankton). When they reach maturity, their physical appearance does not seem to bear any relation to that of an arthropod and they are often seen in the company of other invertebrates or even fish.

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