What Does crockery Mean
The term tableware has its etymological origin in vascēlla , a Latin word. The concept is used to name the number of elements used for transport , serving and eating the food .
Crockery, in this way, is made up of glasses , trays , plates and the rest of the containers that are placed on the table at mealtime. There are those who include cutlery (fork, knife, spoon, etc.) in the set of dishes, while others appeal to the notion of cutlery to refer specifically to these utensils.
Different materials are used to make the dishes; the glass , the ceramics , the wood , the plastic and metal are some of the most popular. It is important to bear in mind that there are different types of tableware depending on the occasion: while porcelain tableware can be very distinguished to use on formal occasions, plastic tableware can only be used for domestic and informal purposes.
The need for cheaper products and advances in certain mass production processes led to the creation of very accessible tableware, with less pure and durable materials, although often with sober and elegant designs.
The plate is one of the most important elements of the tableware. It is made in different sizes: the smallest are used for entrees and desserts, while the largest are used as the main meal. There are also deep plates that allow you to serve and eat liquid foods, such as soup .
Glasses, cups, glasses, salad bowls and sauce boats are also part of the tableware. The number of objects simultaneously using the same food depends on the characteristics of it (is not the same breakfast for two people to a dinner for eight).
Tableware history
The origin of the crockery is really very old, so much so that it was already in the Bronze Age, which is located between the years 2200 and 1900 BC. C., there was a civilization that manufactured ceramic vessels. They were bell - shaped (they were bell-shaped ) and had many decorations on the outside. According to the discoveries around this culture, it is believed that the vessels were used at funerals in various parts of the European continent, such as Ireland and the Netherlands.
The bell-shaped vase is one of the most important elements of trade between the third and second millennium BC, and its consumers were the European elites, who also used it in social ceremonies, political meetings and marriage alliances, among others. events. It can be said that this remote predecessor of tableware was at the forefront of a fashion .
Over time metal tableware began to appear and in this context it is necessary to mention the Treasury of Villena , one of the most important finds of the Bronze Age in Europe, along with that of the Royal Tombs of Mycenae , located in Greece. Some of the components of this golden tableware are bowls and bottles of various sizes.
Thanks to the work of dedicated archaeologists, Greece has bequeathed us various sets of tableware from the Mycenaean period , between 1600 and 1200 BC. C., with different styles and sizes. Among all the finds are pitchers, craters (large vessels for mixing wine and water, since the ancient Greeks did not use to drink pure wine), jugs and vases.
In Persia and Assyria, for example, royalty and the upper class are known to use gold and silver tableware . There are numerous collections made with these and other materials, such as bronze, that have been found in recent decades and that today can be seen in the most important museums in the world.