What is creativity?

What Does creativity Mean

Engender. This is the literal meaning of the term creativity and that is obtained by establishing its etymological origin. An origin found in Latin and specifically in the verb creare .

By creativity is understood the faculty that someone has to create and the creative capacity of an individual . It consists of finding procedures or elements to carry out tasks differently from the traditional way , with the intention of satisfying a certain purpose. Creativity makes it possible to fulfill personal or group wishes in a faster, easier, more efficient or economical way.
Starting from these meanings, we could establish as an example the following sentences: “Miguel de Cervantes was praised for his great creativity thanks to which one of the greatest works of Spanish Literature, Don Quixote, was born” or “José was an inventor who, without a doubt some of them owed part of their success to their creativity as they were capable of creating the most unique and eye-catching devices ”.

Generating ideas and promoting novel proposals is also known as inventiveness , original thinking, divergent thinking , or constructive imagination . These are concepts and notions that describe the predisposition to invent something (that is, to take advantage of and make use of ingenuity), the ability to find original paths and the will to transform the environment.
From various branches and disciplines, science is responsible for putting creativity in focus, in search of solutions, answers and precise logical terms. Inventiveness can be viewed from a technical perspective as a process, as a personality trait, or as a product.
For psychology , divergent thinking is an activity protected in the imagination , which consists of carrying out a new action or the same plan but in a different way. Many specialists have analyzed the relationship between creativity and intelligence .
For sociology , on the other hand, constructive imagination arises from the intervention of three variables: the field (social groups), the domain (the area or discipline) and the individual . This means that an individual specifies changes in the framework of a domain that are analyzed from a social group.
On a more general scale, it can be said that a creative subject enjoys self - confidence , finesse of perception , intuitive capacity , imagination , enthusiasm and intellectual curiosity .

In the artistic field, it is common to measure the creativity of the author of a work in question, thus comparing it with other contemporaries. Among the different measures that exist to score the degree of ease of creation and innovation that an artist in question has, parameters such as fluidity, originality, sensitivity, abstraction, synthesis or flexibility are used.
Continuing in this field we can determine that throughout history many have been painters, sculptors or writers who have been admired for their large doses of creativity. This would be the case, for example, of artists of the stature of the Dutch painter Van Gogh.
And the same can be said of the American filmmaker and screenwriter David Lynch whose filmography is considered one of the most creative and original of the seventh art. And it is that, among other things, in his films he always bet on introducing surrealist or even Dadaist elements.

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