What Does cravat Mean
Chalina is a term that comes from shawl . The etymological origin of shawl is found in the French word châle , in turn derived from the Persian šāl .
In this frame, a shawl is called a cloth that is less wide than it is long and that is placed on the shoulders as an ornament or as a coat . In Latin American countries, known as chalina a narrow shawl .
The Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) recognizes another meaning of chalina in its dictionary. A scarf can be a tie used by women and men that is characterized by its long falls.
It can be said that a scarf is a complement . In America , scarves resemble scarves .
It is believed that the scarves originate from the Basque territory and arrived in Latin America in the 16th century from the hand of the Spanish conquerors. Currently it is possible to find chalinas wool , chalinas of cotton and chalinas silk , among others.
Typically, a shawl wearer places the end of the garment on one shoulder, wraps it around the neck twice, and leaves it dangling. There are those who place the end of the scarf inside the coat with the intention of keeping it in position.
The dancer Isadora Duncan ( 1877 - 1927 ) is the protagonist of a tragic story involving a scarf. This woman was wearing a very long scarf that fluttered outside the car in which she was traveling when the fabric got caught in a car tire: thus the scarf ended up strangling Duncan , who lost his life instantly.