What is convincing?

What Does convincing Mean

To know the meaning of the convincing term, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can determine that it is a word that derives from Latin, specifically, from "convincentis", which can be translated as "that makes a person change his mind or do something with arguments." It is the result of the sum of several clearly differentiated elements:

-The prefix “with”, which means “together”.

-The verb “vincere”, which is synonymous with “overcome”.

-The suffix “-nte”, which is used to indicate “agent”.

This adjective is used to qualify that or that which convinces . Convincing, on the other hand, refers to getting someone to change their mind or do something based on the reasons or motives that are communicated or evidenced.
For example: "The Argentine tennis player had a convincing performance and outperformed his rival without problems" , "The young man was possibly lying, but at least he sounded convincing" , "I think the president's answer was not convincing . "

When a person is convincing, he manages to impose his ideas through his arguments. This does not necessarily mean that these arguments are valid or true: the ability to convince may lie in the power of persuasion or the charisma of the individual.
Let's take the case of a woman who wants to start a commercial project and needs, for this, to have investors. The entrepreneur agrees to a meeting with three potential investors to present the project to them. If you can be convincing, you will get the funds you need to start your business. On the other hand, if you do not convince others, you will not get the money.
In order to be a convincing person, it is necessary to have the following characteristics or carry out the actions that we expose below:

-It is essential that you smile because that brings with it positivity, empathy and accessibility. In this way, it will be possible to predispose the other person to listen.

-Whenever you give the floor to the other individual and even when you are speaking to him, you must look him in the eye to be convincing. If you look away, the only thing you will achieve is that he mistrusts what you are saying.

-You should never cross your arms and, in the same way, you should always show your hands. They are gestures of the so-called non-verbal communication that convey trust, transparency and truth.

-Under no circumstances should you manipulate any object with your hands because what it generates is an image of nervousness, insecurity or even lack of interest.

-If you wear glasses, you should never look over them.
Something that leaves no room for doubt , that is undeniable or that generates widespread acceptance can also be described as convincing. A chronicler, after attending a rock concert, can say that the show was convincing as the audience left the stadium satisfied. In a similar vein, a soccer player can sustain a convincing performance through many matches and thus earn a call to join his country's national team.

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