What is contrite?

What Does contrite Mean

Compungido is an adjective that allows to qualify who is hurt or afflicted . The term comes from the verb to compungir : to be saddened by someone else's suffering or a fault of your own.

He who is sorrowful, therefore, feels sad or distressed . For example : "The girl's contrite face caused me great pain" , "Concerned, the man told his son that he could not be present at his birthday party" , "I am still saddened by the death of my pet and that. that two years have passed since the event ” .
Multiple reasons can make someone feel sorry. Suppose that a young man, walking towards his girlfriend's house, passes several children who are begging . The boy is saddened because he knows that, although he can help them with some money , these boys face many dangers on the streets and suffer from very difficult living conditions.

Take the case of a woman who learns that a friend is unemployed . The news leaves her sad : she knows how difficult it is to find work and she wonders how her friend will meet her needs without obtaining an income.
Of course, the intensity of the compunction varies according to the reason and according to each person. An individual may be saddened by his father's health problems or a loss of his soccer team . Obviously, the regret that he experiences for the state of his father is much deeper than the discomfort caused by a sports result.

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