What is consummate?

What Does consummate Mean

The Latin word consummāre came to Castilian as consummate . The first meaning of the term mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) in its dictionary refers to specifying or completing something .

For example: "The man did not succeed in consummating the crime because, when he was about to stab his wife, the police entered the home and detained him" , "Only details are missing to consummate the player's return to the capital team" , "I waited twenty years to consummate revenge, but finally I succeeded and now I am at peace . "

Consuming is associated with executing or ending a process , an action , etc. Suppose that the board of directors of a club, at the request of a member, considers expelling a member for inappropriate behavior. To consummate the expulsion , the sanction needs to be supported by more than half of the voters . This means that the consummation is only achieved if the vote yields that result, not before.
In the field of law , consummating implies the fulfillment of a legal act . The concept is usually associated with the execution of a contract, although it also has other scopes.
To consummate a contract , it is necessary to specify the benefits that the contractual obligations entail. When the contract is fulfilled, it is extinguished and becomes a consummated contract.
The idea of consummating the marriage , on the other hand, refers to ratifying the nuptial union through the first sexual relationship after marriage . The marriage is consummated with that intimate act between the members of the couple.

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