What Does connectivism Mean
The connectivism is a theory of learning centered on the digital world. According to this epistemological position, learning is generated from the connections that exist within a network .
Different nodes or information sources, in this framework, are connected within a network to produce knowledge . Continuous learning is achieved when these connections are fostered and sustained over time .
In the structure proposed by connectivism, therefore, the nodes are data , information , organizations , etc. that are interconnected. The creation of these connections and the expansion of the complexity of the network constitute what is understood by learning .
It is often claimed that connectivism, postulated by George Siemens and Stephen Downes , considers how the changes introduced by the Internet and new technologies impacted the field of education . Information and communication technologies led to great changes in society in general and the educational field was no exception.
According to Siemens and Downes , teaching must have a different approach than the traditional one to encompass this new reality . Connectivism explains how knowledge is distributed through connection networks and shows that learning depends on the ability to travel through these networks.
Another important principle of connectivism indicates that knowledge can be found beyond the human being . This means that it is possible to learn from machines or other types of resources, and not just from people.
It should be noted that, for some theorists, connectivism is not actually a theory , but simply a pedagogical look . There are those who believe, on the other hand, that technological innovations do not demand the development of new learning theories.