What Does co-sleeping Mean
It is called co - sleeping a practice that encourages the children sleep in the same bed than their parents . It is a modality that can also be developed in adjoining beds or in a crib attached to the double bed.
Co-sleeping is common in many countries . The age up to which it is practiced can be extended to the minor's 10 years , although there is no specific limit. Sometimes co-sleeping is practiced by one of the parents (for example, the mother sleeps in the same bed as the child, while the father sleeps in a different bed).
In its origins, co-sleeping was linked to the lack of space and the need to ensure that the child remains warm at night. Currently, the decision to resort to co-sleeping is often part of the so-called attachment parenting , which seeks to forge a close emotional bond between parents and children so that children can grow up safely and independently.
According to advocates of co-sleeping, this trend favors breastfeeding; reduces the risk of sudden death and hypoglycemia; minimizes the duration and frequency of the child's crying; and reinforces the affective bond between parents and babies.
Those who do not support co-sleeping, on the other hand, argue that this practice increases the risk of suffocation for the baby; makes children become more dependent and have trouble socializing; causes disorders in the rest of adults; and affects life as a couple.
It is important to know that co-sleeping has to be carried out following some recommendations so that it is safe for both the mother or father and for the little one in question. Specifically, the most relevant advice in this regard are the following:
-The minor should not have stuffed animals, pillows or cushions around that could cause them to suffocate.
-The surface on which they sleep has to be firm. This happens because, for example, the mattress on the bed should never be made of water.
-The posture that the child should adopt is supported on his back and then with his head turned to one side. This is considered to be the appropriate position to prevent sudden infant death.
-The baby should never sleep on the lap of the adult since any movement of this while sleeping could suffocate him.
-Under no circumstances should you cover the child's head with a blanket or sheet since this can forcefully hinder their breathing.
-The co-sleeping should never take place between the baby and one of his siblings.
-Another important measure to carry out in favor of safe co-sleeping is that the room must be at a suitable temperature so that the child does not suffer from cold or heat.
-When the child is still a few weeks old, it is determined that it is necessary for him to sleep between what is the wall or the barrier and the adult in question instead of between his parents.